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  • I'm borderline underweight, too, but for whatever reason my mom still thinks I'm becoming overweight -_- Probably because she was a bit lighter than me when she was my age and now look at her, haha. I actually love meat (any sort of bird meat that is not chicken is amazing; lamb is also a favourite) but I don't mind veggies at all. But my mom's still all "MUST PRESS OUT OIL" or "MUST FASTIDIOUSLY REMOVE FAT" etc.
    Possibly~ I am drinking tea as we speak. I... am currently starving and awaiting dinner. OTL;; We're going out for dinner today, but I don't know where.
    We usually have Japanese or Vietnamese curry. Our neighbour makes Indian curry, but it's hella spicy. My mom had to dilute it with milk and we still chugged about eight glasses of milk besides that to keep ourselves from breathing fire.
    My parents are usually too busy/lazy to make tea eggs xP But my dad often randomly buys them and takes them home for us to eat.
    Yess, Peking duck. Best meat ever <3 And some regular bbq meats on the sides because they're not as delicious as peking duck. Aaand there's usually jellyfish alongside roast pork so we could have that along with the duck?

    Anlso, have Oscar appear again but this time throw a RapeFacing squirrel in your face!
    Oh my mom is super-health conscious too, to the dismay of the rest of the family. She won't stop fussing over my brother, who's technically overweight, but he doesn't give a crap xD
    DERP can you tell I was kinda stoned when I typed that. Anyway, I have no idea where our sauce comes from... Whenever my mom forces me to make pasta it's just magically /there/. I don't ever see my mom making the sauce either...
    My brother is pretty good with curry. :0 Curry powder, coconut milk, some other stuff, idk, it only takes all of 5 minutes. And it's delicious.
    YESSS. o/\o I haven't had tea eggs in forever. *drool* Oh and we can also have those bbq meats like duck and pork and yeah :D
    My mom sometimes gets lazy and makes those for breakfast/lunch if we happen to be out of Chinese sausages. But yeah, we don't have them often.
    Chinese mom who cannot make Chinese food...? That's a new one. I've tried to learn how to make pasta once or twice before and it came out pretty good, but I completely forgot the process immediately after OTL;; I'm hopeless when it comes to cooking.
    I'm actually one of those people who don't like century eggs D: I think tea eggs taste much better, myself~
    I think non-Chinese sausages are far too salty or otherwise flavourful for my stomach to handle >.> I can't eat a whole one without something to soften the taste without feeling sick.
    Your family doesn't keep a constant supply of ketchup o.o Something must be done. This is blasphemous!
    I think that's green bass...? It's some sort of bass for sure. And and we have to have some of that Chinese broccoli. x3 That's a standard.
    What kind of shrines >_> I don't think they liked my offering of a giant coffee mug filled with starbucks coffee xD
    Yes, yes, that stuff is awesome. 8D I especially like the salted duck and that standard reddish sausage.
    Oh, yes, we do that a lot too. x3 We also "recycle" our rice. And then once we have accumulated a bunch it all goes into fried rice and it's awesome. Say, have you tried fried rice with ketchup? It's also awesome (though some people at school look at me funny when they watch me eat fried rice with ketchup...).
    We totally should! We can have fish and noodles and rice and aaa I'm hungry again. ): And dinner's not ready.
    I tend to put a bit of milk in the egg when I fry it, and the way I cook it means that there's a lot of air trapped in it, so it feels really fluffy. It's nice. :3 I'm too lazy to chop onion or anything else to put in my egg, though.
    Oh nono, I meant that we put the ribs in a metal dish and put that dish on some standing-rack-thingy or whatever you call it so it's separate from the rice.
    We usually have plain rice too, but sometimes we stick salted meat in it if we happen to have some. Sooo good. :3
    We normally don't have more than one thing to steam at a time for dinner, so just the rice cooker works fine for us.
    Very efficient and effective, too. x3 Tasty stuff. Now I'm hungry.
    idk, sometimes we have smoked salmon in fried rice and it's not bad at all. But yeah, I can't imagine it going well with the spinach.
    ... When I used to microwave eggs, they came out... spongecake-like in texture. o.o Once my mom taught me how to fry eggs I did that and never looked back.
    When we steam stuff we usually have it sitting on top of the rice as it cooks, or if it's too big to stick in the rice cooker, we boil water in a large wok and stick it there. Of course we use these metal stand thingies so they don't get drowned. Seems to work well for eggs and fish and spare ribs and stuff like that.
    Our rice cooker is invincible, man 8D We've literally had this for as long as I can remember, and it still works perfectly fine.
    And it should be in a cup of tea.
    And we don't invite Mike. He'd find a way to salt it.
    (just kidding yes we will :c but if he salts it again he drinks it. all of it. in one sitting.)

    And you could always mod 'Death' instead. :3c Deth Cannon, Desh Canon, Deeth Canoon, Delicious Cannelloni...

    yannow that reminds me, some time in the foreseeable future we need to food battle. I don't think just me and you have nommed togetherly-like yet, this is unacceptable. :c
    But they /think/ RNGgod shrines work! And as long as they think that we can make huge profits :DDD

    Sounds... thrilling. o.o Spinach is actually one of my favourite veggies but when it's raw...
    My mom is generally pretty good at cooking, but she can't consistently make steamed egg for her life. Every 3rd time or so, the eggs come out looking grey-ish or even green-ish.
    I do. *spends all $1200 on the construction of RNGgod shrines*

    Oh, it's my grandpa who does all the shopping, and he's all about tradition and stuff like that. ): He's not likely to change his methods of cooking anytime soon.

    As an aside, are you doing with Porygons what I do with Riolus? Which is to say hoarde them like a crazy person. (Soon, Kojondos will also be applicable for me.)
    Pity that Blast Burn's 90% accuracy bit me in the ass. :(

    I'm a total hermit and hardly ever go to supermarkets, but if/when I do then I'll be sure to keep a lookout~
    Yesss probably my favourite battle. x3 I must do it again.

    We typically mix soy sauce with a bit of oil instead. I don't think we've ever used the special fish sauce... thing.
    Also when I have fish it's probably half green onion and half fish on my plate. x3
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