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Crazy Linoone
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    ...Ahaha. Nice. I'm pretty excited for this now.
    I am going to bug you until you upload the new pages of the OS comic because both it and you are fabulous.

    So, good christmas?
    You cannot pry the rapefacing squirrel off your face while being rapefaced!!!
    Everyone I know is a nerd, but Pokemon isn't really "cool" in my community ): Sucksss because I'm one of those hardcore competitive battlers and everyone just goes "o.o" when my friend and I start talking about EV training and natures and stuff.
    Most Chinese stuff is delicious xP We had Chinese broccoli, chicken, some stir fry of onions, pork, and celery, and fried fish. And rice, of course.
    We eat together on occasion (e.g. today, New Year's Eve). My grandpa goes "EATTT" even if we're not hungry and later rages to my mom about how we don't eat, but yeah, he's not very successful, haha.
    Well, sorta-kinda I guess. x3 But seriously you must try it. It's delicious.
    Lactose-free milk... o.o I've never heard of/seen that. I guess I'll keep a lookout but I've never seen it in all the supermarkets I've been to. Or maybe I'm just super-unobservant.
    I've had rose tea once, too. It was pretty good but the flavour was a bit too strong for me, so I only have it on occasion. Hell, my stomach is so weak I can barely handle around 8 cups of regular jasmine tea ._.
    Well, I learned how to speak Mandarin from Taiwanese people! o/\o So I can't read simplified either~ SIX DISHES IT IS.
    SHARK FIN SOUP that stuff is /good/ man. I've only had turtle soup once but my mom screwed it up xD She almost broke down trying to cut the poor thing's shell and my dad had to take over. See this is why my mom hates meat and stuff.
    Oh, I just check the "Remember me" box so I don't have to log back in x3
    Well I'm not in a particularly Asian-infested area, but there are quite a few. But there's this huge Asian community about a fifteen minute's drive from where I live and maaan all the Asian malls :D It's awesome.
    I had dinner just now~ But no roast pork. ):
    Ah, so your family usually eats together? We used to do that but then we gradually fell out of the habit, since my brother and I tend to get hungry at different times.
    Yeah, I usually stay up 'til one or so, even later if I have homework to do. Can't be good, getting that little sleep BUT WHO CARES. I'm really fond of crab 8D Especially in steamed egg, mm.
    Pff, not /that/ many of us say "eh" xP I'm one of a small bunch who actually use "eh" on a daily basis. I don't use "hella" on a daily basis but apparently often enough for people to remark on it!
    Now you're making me crave milk, except I can't drink it without getting diarrhea ):
    Well, we're running out of jasmine tea bags so I'll tell my mom to be on the lookout when she goes to the supermarket x3 Kai's also suggested chamomile tea.
    Ah, you're Mandarin? Yup, four also sounds like death in Cantonese. In the restaurants we go to, though, food comes at different times so the placing becomes really haphazard, haha. But yeah, 6 dishes seems good. And I can't believe I forgot about soup OTL;; SOUP IT IS how about shark fin soup 8DDD
    Rest assured I will be watching this ASB-themed project very closely. :3
    My classes are chock full of Asians (I'm a gifty); hell, the school I go to is chock full of Asians. And yet I have only seen one fat Asian. We are a strange species.
    Roast pork without some amount of fat under the skin is not real roast pork.
    5 on weekdays o.o That's pretty early. Most people around here eat dinner at 6:30, I'd say; they usually tell me I eat dinner too late.
    So the same time zone as Vancouver, I guess. :3 I have buddies in Vancouver and I often stay up late talking to them. I'm a stay-at-home, though, so chances of going to the South Bay are slim; only if my mom is bent on going, for whatever reason, and then we'll probably be on some tour bus the entire time -_-
    Really? Granted I know few people who use the word "hella", but yeah, I do know a few. Maybe Canadians are starting to copy Californians.
    Goat milk? :0 Don't think I've ever seen that around. I've always wanted to try it though - seriously, why do we only use cows for milk :/ There are llamas and camels and whatnot! Variety, people!
    Well, I only drink jasmine and green tea... xD; And it can be up to 6 dishes - 7 is considered unlucky or something, or whatever reason. So 2 more dishes? Or 1 if we can't think of anything else. And... I'm going over the dishes my family often has and... asdf I'm not sure what it's called in English but should we opt for some sort of chicken? Or more veggies since we only have a dish of Chinese broccoli at the moment.
    Yeah, I've only known one fat Asian and all the others are pretty much stick-like xD I pretty much just eat a balance so my mom can't complain how much veggie/meat I'm having (though she actually wouldn't mind if I went full-out vegetarian - she hates meat, herself). I remove the fat if there's this huge clump of it because the texture's nasty, but if it's just a thin layer under the skin I'm all for gobbling it down. It's generally delicious that way, yeah. But sometimes my mom insists on picking out even that thin layer OTL;;
    My dinnertime is around 7 to 8... what's your time zone? Mine's GMT -5, iirc. And if you ever do come to Toronto I'll be sure to point out some good restaurants~ There's this restaurant that's not-so-close to my house but the food is amazing overall, and their sweet and sour pork is the best I've ever had, seriously.
    Chugging rice? Rice is a liquid now? Either way, I've found milk is the best to quell spiciness (sucks because I'm lactose intolerant 8D).
    We usually have jasmine tea, yeah. I... don't think I've had barley tea before...?
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