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Crazy Linoone
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  • I'm GMT -4, apparently. :U (actually has no idea herself and relies on the thingy at the bottom of each page to tell her)

    Godzilla was my apprentice.
    Yes, but only through negligence, which is far better than by intent. A good Linoone would forgive me immediately and give me gifts of muffins.
    Haha.. well, I think my father actually /is/ the kind of insane and fanatical he would do that, but neh, I do anything I need to on my (passworded) laptop. (Funny thing is I used to constantly get 'OH WHY DID YOU PUT A PASSWORD ON YOUR PROFILE'. "Well why were you /trying to log on/ to my profile?" '...') The man can barely operate facebook, so without a point-and-click history I think I'm safe there.

    And ah, yeah, I guess it's easy to forget these things when you're not surrounded by them. At least, that's what they say, it's a bit hard to be surrounded by a culture unless you actually live in it. Heh, I know there are /zero/ Russian.. shops, areas, cultures.. anything, around me. I've mostly been listening to Russian radio and music, trying to get a better feel for the general flow of the language, even if subconsciously. Also Vinni Pukh, which is absolutely adorable. But actually learning the language itself has come to a standstill for now.
    Also, if you don't mind me asking, where do you come from originally?.. I'm a total geography flunk, so I'm not even going to try to guess regions..

    And yeee! :3 Well I'm just plain excited then, hehe~ I don't believe Kat commented yet in the thread, but I've been making sure she's seen it and she's been enjoying it just as much, so that's especially so.
    This is also plausible. Sea-fish are unable to survive in unsalty water, let alone unsalty tea.
    Well.. it certainly does appear so. :3 I kind of made this sudden-jump decision and as far as planned, come December I'm moving over to Canada to live with her. (FMC that is) 'Course, the parents now feign concern and and trying to throw wrenches in the gears, claiming I'm 'not realistic' (ugh the R word ffff) and.. eh, I could rant for ages. It's just been a circus in here, hopefully once I'm out I can feel a bit more normal~
    Albeit, that doesn't explain my lag prior.. but.. ughs ;w; I really hope you find an eRef fast, I still feel awful about it.. if too long goes by maybe I'll just hunker down and finish it up, then promptly pass out~

    And yeah, the things you learn as a kid kind of stick, but still that alphabet is intense - and actually writing it.. I can't quite imagine. I'm trying to learn a bit of Japanese and Russian myself, but the alphabets don't seem to want to stick with me, though that may be preoccupation.. another thing to pick up once I'm out of here. It just drives me crazy how my brain reflexively tries to associate English pronunciations. Especially characters like 'Я', where occasionally my brain shouts out 'Arr!' instead of 'Ya' and I want to headdesk. If nothing else though, I have a fairly good grip on the characters that don't relate at all to English ones. I guess this is why I've always sort of wished English /wasn't/ my first language, among other things like actually having a culture behind me to speak of.

    Also tehehehe :3c well, like I mentioned, I would giggle immensely if we got a bit of screen time in which to freak everyone out with the POWAH OF WUV, but again don't let me go quelling any plans you have, I was just throwing it out there since you seemed open to suggestions. Plus, you've already been beyond gracious in how much I've appeared, personally.. especially since me and Zora are obviously about to break out some... antics, so to speak, hehehe~
    Nonono, that'd be suicide. Also you seem to be typing fine to me. :0

    I thought you knew? I am an elite referee, a team and move approver, and the now-sole owner of the Dragons' Den Simulations biulding.
    My brain feels like it's quivering OTL;; The bass beats in the Ruins of Alph thingy get faster and faster and for some reason it seemed only to affect my right ear... I can't stop scratching at it D:

    Oh, don't worry! Insurance is included for all my employees.
    (they'll need it *cough*)
    Linooooonie :C
    hngk I'm sorry about tea!battle, Mike's scouting an eRef and all but I still feel the need to explain that I've been caught up in moving stuffs since I'm outta here in December but it's just been argh for me lately so reffing hasn't been something I've had time for and- *breath*
    ..You can hate me if you want though, I'm a lazy derp who's bad at commitment. :c

    ...also, this is completely random and off topic, but Mandarin was your /first/ language?.. well, I know you're probably tired of hearing that now, and not particularly impressed by that yourself, but especially considering as far as I'm concerned you speak English better than I do, I am~ Have to admit, that's the one language that really scares me, there's just /so much/ to it.

    Oh! And one last note before I finally shut up - is FMC going to be in Obsessive Scribblings? Just because you mentioned you've had trouble keeping up with the goings-ons in the fora, if she appears I might request a little.. specialtimes between us onscreen. :3c since.. we're actually together over 7 months now. (guh, I feel like I'm flaunting (I'm going to act for a moment like both of us haven't spouted to each other so much the whole of TCod doesn't want to tell us to cram it) and don't let me go dictating the direction of the comic but everything is so perfect the only thing more perfect would be sudden, drunken make-outs.
    ...In fact, Zora may well be involved. She often is.
    .....but maybe I shouldn't say that out loud.)
    Hm, how about the Create-A-Pokemon server? That one should be good.

    Well, note-taking will be faster on a computer anyway, yes? ;D
    What server? I find Smogon's is really laggy when you try to challenge someone directly :x

    That's... quite excessive. o.o Computer for you, then, when you become my secretary.
    I only do that when I'm typing. xD When I'm writing, for whatever reason, I don't feel the urge to do that. Maybe because I'm too lazy to erase.
    I dunno, I have some friends who prefer writing stories on paper instead of typing. I would, too, but it hurts more to write than type so :v
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