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Crazy Linoone
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  • :D Glad you're enjoying it. I only wish Kusari or one of the other "legends" would do poetry back at me...
    *sees post in the Battle for Asber*

    Oh lordy you just gave them ideas. They already ate two pokes and now you want them to randomly attack us? lol.
    I have the same problems too! :D If it helps, the average of my scores was 7.5 and the average of the first round of the Metronome contest was 7.6
    Of course I don't mind! Go ahead.

    Have your eyes been burned/your quality of reffing been degraded by looking at the appeals yet?
    Route 10 is up! :D I had fun arranging it, but in the end, I don't think it's as good as yours.
    Uh, it can be pronounced "blay-zhee" or "blah-zhee" or even "blay-zee" or "blah-zee". Though Blazheirio is always "blah-zheer-ee-oh". I have no idea why, don't ask me.

    I wonder why that is o.o I mean, their non-Asian parents can't possibly all have curly-wavy hair, and then get straighter due to Asian hair gene (Asian hair is always straight man)? Actually that's probably not how genetics work hurr.
    Yes, Shuckle is wonderfully fat and stally! :D And yeah, try it out in UU, or even RU! It'll be much fatter there.
    Nooo did you get your computer screen dirty D: (hurr thanks i funny)
    tbh I never watched Up OTL I don't really watch movies much at all... Maybe you could fly away with your gold, or something, and no-one could ever catch you!
    Grahhh I just had dinner a few hours ago too and now I am hungry ;~; Chicken wings why are you so delicious.
    What why so many vocab terms to memorize that is madness.
    ... I think we were talking about butts. xP The intestines I actually eat really /do/ smell like poop.
    Well he is... one of the select few who do get fat. Unfortunately.
    ... Can I "borrow" yours :D
    I have no idea how cholesterol stuff really works! But yeah, parents think they know everything about health stuff. ): Mom exercise will not magically cure a stomach virus what are you thinking
    *waves* *monster comes out of wormhole*

    Tongue sores...? I've never had those. Just on the inside of my lip. My mom is probably more lenient than yours, then; if I've tried something and still don't like it, she doesn't force me to eat it.

    For some reason, it seems like hybrids have kinda curly/wavy hair. I mean all the hybrids I know, save for one (who is 3/4 Chinese instead of 1/2). Also cannot-tell-race buddies o/\o Now I don't feel as racist.
    Niche teams are the best! :0 UU sandstorm last gen was amazing. Curse Cradily yes please. But yeah, if they know how to deal with the niche then you're pretty much done xD
    Too much energy. I need to expend 2% per action.
    HOARD ALL GOLD. *tosses canes at people on lawn*
    I just came home from school and I am hungry and reading about chicken wings just made me more hungry. ): Damnit self why do you do this
    ikr ): Projects suck especially. You're all "oh it's not due for a while" and then before you know it it's three days until it's due and you're rushing like hell...
    D< Parents should not lie to their children. This is injustice.
    :D That's one way to look at it. But then our "recycling bin" gets fat.
    Well I'd do that but I don't want my parents to kill me. Hm. Maybe when I move out and have enough money (OR GOLD) to afford another oven.
    Yeah, sucks :U My dad has high cholesterol. But he doesn't care and still eats all the junk ever.
    ... that's true. *stomach growls*

    ... really? Damnit, I love stuff with vitamin C in it. Though I hate pineapple.
    Wow. Potatoes even in the soup? Eww, haha. Was it in Idaho or something? :D [/lame joke]

    PB&J is actually really good, even when I've been eating it too much XD And there's the protein in the peanut butter! ~

    Did they make french fries there? I had some today that were absolutely wonderful. :D

    Word barfing, hehe, I like the term. It's so much fun to do! :D

    Yeah, and that's what makes lit so amazing! Lol. Some people say that meaning is technically derived from the reader's individual interpretation of the text as opposed to authorial intent, so you're still good!

    Even bizarre things work and the teachers love it; it's awesome. XD Like..."In chapter 24, the mountains are described to be jagged and piercing the sky, which represents the internal turmoil of the main character because his heart is being pierced by the mountain of his pain." A+ all the way! Even if the author didn't intend it!

    Oh yeah, that's true. Did she specify which prizes you guys could earn?
    Ah, that's true! Well, I suppose you can mash them, scallop them, put bacon on them, mix them with other things, cut them into little squares and dip them in ketchup...but the taste would get really boring after a while. XD

    That's true, now that I think about it they aren't particularly good for essay writing. I guess they work better for creative writing. My AP Lit class senior year did have one poetry assignment, so it helped. Although ephemeral is a good substitute for short (as in, a short period of time). As is transitory. So you could use it if you had to analyze plot.

    Hey, as long as you can back up your arguments, any interpretation is valid! :D

    Oh, definitely. Procrastination is an art.

    Wow, that looks really cool. So if the people controlling the legends win, they get to add a legendary to their team?! That's pretty awesome.
    Hehe, cool. ^^ Thanks~

    Yeah, we have a cafeteria. It's pretty much hamburgers and pasta for me (which I'm a bit sick of now haha) because I'm too picky to eat most of the other food there. XD I eat PB&J when I don't have time to go to the cafeteria, which has been a lot recently. That, and I keep running out of money on my meal card. :D

    True! I think I learned the material pretty well. Oh yes, I agree. And using lots of fancy-sounding words helps too! I found a pretty good correlation between high grades and how many times I used words like "consequently," "surreptitious," "ephemeral," "effervescent," "amalgamate" and so forth. XD Yay for the thesaurus! I wonder if the teachers would even notice if I were to invent a few words here and there. ^^

    Oh yeah, college apps were annoying. I remember putting mine off too, haha. Good luck with those :) I was so lazy when preparing for college...it was bad. XD

    Ooh, what's the ASB event? I'm probably not going to start battling again until winter break but I want to know ^_^
    I think this is the longest time I've gone without replying back, and for that, I am sorry. >_> now that I'm in college, schoolwork murdered me.

    That would be awesome :D

    Curly fries sound so awesome. I've been living on peanut butter and jelly.

    I ended up with a B in calc, but I suppose I'm happy with that. I'll probably be taking a lot more math in college depending on what I decide to major in...so I'll have plenty of time to redeem myself. :D Thanks for the help, too, I needed it!

    How've you been lately?
    Actually, I made those notes on that octave because I wanted to make that part light as a contrast to the heavy chords surrounding it. If I didn't it would sound like the second half of measure 14, as heavy as the chords around it if not for its different dynamic.

    Thanks for playing it!

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