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Crazy Linoone
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  • I just hope you're ready for that Wailmer to spend the battle in a crater formed by its own weight. :V

    eta: actually nevermind, they don't actually weigh much more than a person! weird.
    is there an amusing story associated with your crazy linoone and blazhy and mike and districts of columbia divine computers Damascus confluences
    dart's coloration's devolved confers decal's commercialism's dioxide crotchety Dior cambium determiner cagier debunked compiling Dorian's catholicity dour calabash digitalis cayenne's definers cilium dose's connect domestication chef downiest continuity's deep casino demurer compiled Dillinger's Cannes declaring connote diversion caroms?
    You say it like it's a bad thing DD: (it probably is)

    Staring off into space is too much work.
    I know right ): Shuuuuckle... But Cradily suits me fine. In competitive battling and ASB.
    ... but if making people laugh is a good skill, why not making people laugh while they're next to their parents? 8D;
    ... that thing is a story? Also YES brilliant right? Now what happens if someone jacks the plane hm
    My grandpa made chicken wings today. Even better he taught me how :D I NOW KNOW HOW TO MAKE GOD-TIER CHICKEN WINGS. Also if you stomach is not big enough, make it bigger! :D Can't pass up all that good food mmm.
    Indeed! And true Asians' first words are mumbling those formulas. Yes.
    Well, I dunno. My brother and I both look nothing like our parents. But we look like each other. Hmmm...
    ... GOOD IDEA LINOONE. :D I shall do that.
    How about we slather and bake most of it, but chop a few chunks off, which are small enough to fit in a pot, and deep-try them? Mmmm.

    On the other hand if I complain about the food, I usually don't eat it. Because if I complain it means I can't stand it. ):

    On a side note these are amazing
    Oh, but on their application I think you need to fill something about it out. You are assured that it has no bearing on whether you get in or not, though, even if you choose "underwater basket weaving".
    Fuuuuck doing some research I found that 22 students from Canada got in this year, 2 for each province and 1 for each territory (what Nunavut doesn't exist) D: At least I'm going into an unpopular major so there might be some chance (yeah I know MIT denies majors having anything to do with the application process but I don't really believe them on that)
    Ooh ooh what was the interview like? And what other schools did you apply to?

    I have even less of a chance because:
    - Middle class family
    - Male
    - Asian
    - International
    - Which also means early action not allowed
    - Socially awkward during interviews[/list]

    (but really, where did you get deferred from? Where did you get accepted?)
    Uh, how do you ref accuracy/evasion mods? Got a bit disorientated after Rollout missing.

    (Also! SAT scores jumping back up again, to around 2300 :D Thanks for the advice; now I actually have a chance in Hell to get into a decent university. Or maybe not, because my dad claims that without 2370, I'll starve on the street after going to a liberal-arts college)
    I like returning favors c= you gotted me an awesome gift last year, but it evolved into something weaker than such a great Pokémon
    Okay, I morphed the two extra leftovers in your inventory into lucky eggs. If you gave away one of your leftovers by accident, you should be able to recall it just by using the "cancel" link on the gift on the exchange screen, if you get this message before I switch things over to the claim period. If you get your leftovers back, I'll zap it to a lucky egg as well.

    Where did the missing $5 refer to, now?
    May I take the time to say that your refereeing is awesome?
    Also my critical reading fell back down but not to where it was before so aw but still yay :D
    (late reply again, sorry D: I had finals. And they were a pain.)

    That's nasty XD I generally tend to stay away from soup...who knows what all those nondescript lumps inside of it are! Even if it does smell good.

    I should be getting whole grain...but I'm weak :P White bread tastes so delicious! Ah, but yes, there are still so many nutrients...it is amazing XD

    Yeah, I'm starving right now lol. And I'm about to go to bed. Sleeping when you're hungry is no fun because then your subconscious mind tortures you. I had a dream last night that I was about to eat a chocolate donut with sprinkles that was covered in fudge. But of course I woke up right as I was about to take a bite. Not cool. >_<

    :D Lol that is awesome. Simply amazing ^^ It is so fun inventing interpretations like that. That actually sounds pretty good XD Which book was it?

    Cool. I must see what prizes are awarded once the event finishes! It would be funny to see a bunch of angry people rioting over lame prizes though :D
    I just got a critical reading score a hundred points above my average due to your "do not interpret" advice
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