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  • Hi Dewgong! Nice to hear from you. ^^ I didn't know you went by Polar. That's the second time I've accidentally copied someone's nickname. ^^;
    Yeah, they make good friends but Yaoi part is... o-o;;;

    I have seen a fic that needed to be rated M insted of T.X-x
    I know...

    Question 2 because I feel like it:

    Do you like the Yaoi kind or the friendship-not-all-kissy-kissy kind?*shot*
    Proof:They hate each other.

    Unless you don't mean it like a kissy couple. I've seen too much of that.

    If you don't mean kissy(like on FF.net with the... Yaoi and.. stuff...) yeah, as much as Hacked is going to hate me for saying this, yeah it's cute. They should be friends but the fact that Light is Kira.

    I'm just so cold against it because the only kind I've seen is *shiver* Yaoi.
    Do you know if people can embed viruses into their youtube profiles? I looked at someone's profile there. It was a random comment on my profile. I clicked their name. I blocked them and removed the comment however.
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