Yeeee!~ :3
That's quite good to hear, fights and.. not-seeing-peopleness are always awful, so I'm glad that's been working better for you~ As for stress.... well I've given up eliminating that myself, anyway. Eh, it'll keep me young till it kills me. <w< ekekeke~
As for me and FMC, things are still going very well. :3 And we're both SQUEEEXCITE because, actually, I have news~ I'm still in the US, but! I've come up and decided to just say sod it, I'm leaving, and I've pretty much confirmed I'm moving to Canada around December this year. Going to be the bestest chosen winter holidays EVAR. <3
...It's quite possibly far too hasty, but I care not any more, because I need it so badly. Turns out, I can leave the US for Canada without a passport, just not get back in (which I've no interest in doing, bite me selective service.), I can get my license re-issued using any information I write down for them so says a therapist of mine who did the same, and I can find one of those sales on flights for cheap (hopefully) cause of the rush. :3 So suddenly, all the planets look aligned and I pretty much told my folks to give me whatever off-jobs they find, because at the end of the year I'm pooling it and gtfo'ing.
...I will miss my cat though. :c I doubt I could get him over there really. Hell, besides all the red tape in getting pets over the borders, we can barely get him to the vet. Hopefully at some point I can figure that out though, because he is my squishy fuzzy sleep buddy. <3