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  • Well, we call them toes. They are actually velociraptor claws. Or toes. They can still kill things!

    No, as in my ninjatoes can create wormholes. :D And out of these wormholes come rockets. And tomatoes. And potatoes.


    (yup, saw it. Gonna look over it moar now.)
    Hm well... I'll ask Negrek again about that later, and if nothing can be done, then you'll just have to send stuff to me, I guess.

    ORLY. Well you better think of something quick because how long can you live without MMORPGs *dun dun dunnn*
    Herp I've totally been neglecting that, heh. OTL Have you actually got some typed up already? :0 If so, whose?

    Actually, did Negrek or Kratos or whoever give you the ability to edit my posts? o.o I'm pretty sure we asked about that at some point. Edited, at any rate.

    B-but that just doesn't have the same ring to it. ):
    ... should I take that out entirely, because then I'd have to change it every year LOL

    Alright~ Man I should get started on my own reffing.

    ... but now you're Windragon, so... it's not so one-sided? I guess? bah idk.
    Right, I've edited the first post; hopefully I didn't miss anything. :P And don't worry about rushing it~ I've been neglecting my own reffings, herp de derp.

    We're such an underrated pairing. BUT NO LONGER.
    Alright, then.

    Uhm, I'm actually not that satisfied with Superbird's reffings and stuff... We /could/ recruit more people into the business, I suppose, but for now I'd like to stick to two. So yeah... I haven't messaged him yet but I will soon. Derp. Anyway if you want you can jump back into reffing Negrek vs. Zapdos, and commanding Griffin vs. Lati@s (it's on easy so the stuff is randomized, though).

    Also BlazhyxDragon OTP o/\o
    *Pops in*

    "Actually, if you ask Superbird to stick around we could have three battles going at once"

    You could have six, actually, if each person takes two challengers and refs two battles. Also, do you earn reffing $ on top of your business $ for the simulations? Because if you don't, it looks very highly unprofitable, consider you get more for normal reffing. But I digress.

    *Pops out*
    Sure. Could you first use the "reset your account" link in your CP to delete the stuff you bought?

    You're still a valid referee.
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