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  • Right, but you linked to that post on two separate occasions. I didn't know if one of the links was supposed to point to a battle where something other than Static got EXP.
    Added, but the links for "vs Mad MOAI" and "one for Static" go to the same thread, so you might want to double-check what's going on there.
    Simple layouts are good as well, but I prefer layouts that aren't too simple and have textures or something in general. Also, I've lately become biased against pure white layouts. I always use Roar of Time on here, so whenever I'm not logged in and I see the pure white it just bothers my eyes so much. For no real reason. It was :D I always liked Make Her Pay, along with Wake. They have the best music :]

    Aaah this is why getting into NaNo will be a stupid but awesome idea! I'll probably quit after a week. Yeah, so I'll be doing my first *real* Homestuck fic then so that might be a problem! However, the good thing is I can't get stuck on what's going to happen because I already know. These sort of things happen too! I can barely get anything done ever.

    I'm sort of doing the same thing; my goal is just to battle with every unevolved pokemon I have, evolve them, and move on. It's mostly because I've gotten caught up in the "first!" thing (so close to having the first grumpig!); a I'm probably only going to use my evolved pokemon in the tournament. I definitely wouldn't feel confident sending my deino out, for example.

    Yeah. My favorite episode is Bridle Gossip, personally. That and the season two openers but that's season two so. I love the art style too :D I think with unicorn magic? Twilight can levitate things and such
    I guess you could just put some flavor text in your post when you send out, if you don't mind?

    Yay, it's the long weekend :3 Still have tons of homework though fuuu the weekend feels like an extension of the weekday. Anthropology is fairly cool, though kinda boring. Mostly it's a bird course, though, and it fills one of the group thingy requirements so yeah.

    WHAT DO INDEED. LATIAS WHAT ARE YOU DOING (on that note Mist Ball on Sherile? ):)

    I've gotten back into reffing, lately, mostly because I've hit a terrible writer's block - I haven't written things in years - and reffing is the only way I can actually write. ): But yeah, server errors suck.

    With dry skin! And flash fire boosted!
    Didn't we do this with my Marowak and a level 1 Paras hahaha
    Yeah... I first saw it with a layout of Aradia punching Vriska in the face D: It was much better then. But, there's always GIFStuck and Homestuck Panels! I'll admit I haven't used those too much, but there's no horrorterrible layout so that's good.I have the amazing (at times) luck to be able to write with any type of song, but it has to be some sort of music. It doesn't matter what, though; I'm almost entirely certain I could write depressing grimdark Homestuck fics while listening to ponies or Majora's Mask or pretty much anything. If I had the talent/attention span to write a long, good actual fanfic instead of silly RP posts and/or reffings and such. On an attention span note, I admire the fact that you have a shelgon in ASB and are presumably going to evolve it into a salamence :O

    It is! Well, I hope when you get around to watching it you'll get around to being assimilated into the herd. I'd put out a lengthy explanation as to why I like it, but obviously considering the entire forum's watching it you probably don't need too many more people recommending it lengthily. These things happen all the time to me :O maybe try making your writings chaotic and revolutionary or something?
    I'll try to remember, yeah!

    Hmmm... well, I personally get pretty much everything on my signature from here; I always have trouble with that sort of thing too so I just put random GIFs in there. :( I *need* to listen to music for any sort of writing thing, so I just start listening to whatever and hope to get something down whenever I get online. It's this, actually :D! It's a pony song/remix, but the DIIISCORD is so catchy I've been obsessed with it ever since I saw/heard it.
    No luck :/ Oh well. It was just extremely stupid but at the same time the idea of TEREZI AND VRISKA WITH KARKAT or maybe JADE AND ROSE WITH DAVE seemed really awesome so.

    It's just so great ^_^ I'm also very easily amused, though, considering that I believe I've been listening to one song on repeat for like two hours now. And it's not nyan cat.

    This may sound weird, but... swear I thought I saw a pic on your tumblr once that had Terezi and Vriska edited onto the very beginning of this (Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt, so extremely dirty and everything) and for some random not really necessary reason I want to find that pic. The problem is I can't, so...

    Do you even know what I'm talking about? I'm being so awkward.

    Also, the Avatar pic in your signature is extremely mesmerizing! :D
    I had homework from all but one of my classes the first day, but that's 'cuz that class was anthropology and the teacher is chill and the course is easy. Wait oops homework what's that

    Do they have Healing Wish? That'd be even worse OTL Also Clear Fog only eliminates the foe's status reductions, iirc, not yours.

    ... THAT IS A GOOD IDEA. Actually when the server's down I just migrate to other sites. OTL

    Repeated repeated bonuses!
    And so on!
    Until you can kill things with a piddly STAB'd Ember!
    Alright, then. Metronome battles are better when pure, anyway, so it's alright.

    So as not to clog up the Challenge Board, may as well have this be asked and answered here: Would you prefer standard fainting rules (round ends) or for the round to keep going after someone faints?
    Isn't your sableye your third metronomer?

    ... I suppose I can wait a bit for you to get everything sorted, but.
    So I totally up and changed the rules of that metronome battle on you; just wanted to let you know that I'll ref it if you'd prefer not to do the 3vs3 thing.
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