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  • I'm still sort of so-so on Equius, actually. I'm usually not too opposed to creepiness of a character but he just didn't seem that interesting even with the creepiness. The over-specifying you would need to make a playlist for every possible scene of a story would be ridiculous.

    Yeah. I know I won't be joining until at least November, though, so there's that.

    I decided to ref a four-person mafia battle just because it sounded awesome, so. Also, have you ever played DK N64? I did today out of nostalgia and I got the best arena idea. It'd be a bit tricky to fight in with our pokemon, though.

    Yeah. I hope you don't hate me after that; I was just really annoyed about the whole thing and suddenly so many words. I think... I used to be sort of good at that? In the old Pokemon Stadium and also Battle Revolution, I just loved trying to counter every one of the opponent's six pokemon with my three. I rarely lost, if that counts for anything. It's not very impressive, though, considering that I never actually got to play online or anything. Thanks :D I could get you something too, then; it would just generally drive us to win if we ignore the fact that we could just get whatever it is we want ourselves. I guess stall is being useful this time, though? Kratos asked a question in the A&A Guide about out-stalling a pokemon with stall (ha) and Negrek said that wasn't possible. So maybe there was something with that. I think all you have to do with stalling is get rid of the foe's helpful item, put a lot (or at least some) damaging status conditions on them, and wait. Maybe? I dunno, that's my idea of stalling. I can't brute force very well at all; see my second battle with Mawile. I won the first with stalling, though!

    Yeeeah but if I still had a choice I would choose magic. I mean sure I could technically live without hands/hand equivalents as a pony, but I wouldn't choose that.
    I suppose that's true. Most of my love for her doesn't really come from particular exchanges or anything in particular, just maybe the way I interpret her? I mean I'm not thinking she's planning the destruction of the kids or anything weird like that, it's just the idea of her seems really interesting. I don't really hate any of the characters, really, but I must agree that Dave and Rose are the best :D I just love all the sarcasm and metaphors and stuff. I'm just about in the middle (November 5th), but I suppose if you include Ophiuchus then I'm a Libra. Which is also awesome as well! Although you're right in that I completely blank out at the idea of a neutral playlist, and also switching playlists in the middle of a scenechange would probably be more trouble than it's worth.

    Thanks! I don't think I'd actually do that, though. I'd be freaking out and such the whole time at the idea of being caught. I just found it on TVTropes, so a while ago it was new to me too. It seems a lot better than FF.Net, though!

    I.. don't know what I'm doing still, but I still think it'll be awesome. Although we can't make it too complicated, or we might not be able to get refs. Hmm.

    Thanks! But yeah it's not as scary anymore especially with the huge ego boost of look I'm winning! :O I was freaking out and everything, but then something sort of... aggravating happened (it's probably not something worth saying over VM, but you can PM me if you want) and then I got super motivated to win so now it's just a serious I'm going to win this if at all possible normal battle. ((EDIT: Okay now that I ordered commands first I'm terrified. I guess this confidence really is only fakey fake.)) You're right about that, but six experience I don't want to wait that long (and I'm really hesitant about buying a lucky egg because I'm usually really cheap)! I'd get another sableye myself (stall why I did I choose that), but I've already got a signature attribute planned for Dia and I'd feel a bit guilty just auctioning him off and buying another one. I'm really silly with this, yes. Hahaha I'm just 90% stall if I have anything to say about it so I see nothing wrong with sableye's movepool. It even has pain split and direct recovery! Too bad it doesn't have encore, though :/ Encore is the best okay

    Good point. But I seriously don't think I could live without hands if I had no telekinesis, so. Yay balloons! :3
    Oh. I actually love Aradia; she's my first/second/third favorite troll along with Terezi and Vriska (Vriska only due to a weird combination of fascination, love/hate, and the fact she's my patron troll). Who's your favorite/patron? Yeah, that's a shame. Not much I can do to help with that though, except maybe you could compile songs that have different moods so you never experience the frustration of a happy song come on when you're writing a death scene? If it ever decides to help you with muse, though, Alterniabound is actually my favorite album.

    I don't think so. My plan is to either... fill a few replies on Captchalouge or something, and try to get critique there. Then maybe if I turn out not to be an idiot I'll sign up on AO3 or possibly be even more of an idiot by posting a request for my Troll fic, post the written parts of the Troll fic, and then try to not make it blatantly obvious I'm using sockpuppets. Hm. :/

    I like the randomly mashed stages together idea! We could have it randomly switch from stage to stage, like one round it's stage A, one round it's stage AB, the next two rounds it's stage B and then afterward stage C. I don't really have any ideas at the moment, but I've been having a lot of free time lately so.

    Well, the snivy trading was basically a vehicle to getting what I want; I don't actually want to trade him away unless I find a ridiculously awesome offer or something. Anyway, the squad's are up and what's done is done--I personally got everything I needed. Good luck in your battle against Zhorken; sableye are really great so good choice. Although I personally wouldn't spend all my berries because I'm a hoarder with expendable items (that arena would be death because I'd never want to use my berries).

    Good point. Still, I'm going to defend magic for a bit; Twilight Sparkle could create wings and the only reason they burned up was because Rarity flew right up to the sun. I guess it's just an agree to disagree thing--magic is best for me :D

    Mine may or may not be smaller. *Shrug*

    It was a personal talk thing that was only slightly serious and involved pokemon. Which is incredibly vague but I don't think any answer fits best. It's over now.
    I'll try.

    In other news, it's probable that you'll drop some of your berries in the Dream World and I might just happen to have the same kind of berry on me at that moment. It's normal and not suspicious at all.
    Here's hoping!

    Bugs don't even eat berries, they turn 'em into weird mush. They do the same thing with carrion and flowers, it's a waste.
    Well, technically I'm a subsidiary of the ASB GOVERNMENT, so I was obliged. And I guess it didn't cost me anything, since the government payed the overhead, but I got no profit off of my beautiful babies berries. :/

    ... I sort of tried to subvert National Asberian Protection of Wildlife Laws by holding a battle in a giant cocoon of Bug-types. I took some berries, that's all, but I guess Negrek don't like loopholes.
    Yeah, my dad's all about family bonding. Every Sunday is ~FAMILY DAY~ and the Thanksgiving Monday was spent at some park with a river, looking at dead salmon. Originally we were going to watch them leap up a waterfall, but they'd already passed so... Oh yeah and a bird course is just a course you take for easy marks. xP

    Well, she was asleep that action anyway, so no biggie. :P

    ... I am actually fairly interested and I would ask you send it to me but you probably won't. Also yes it is totally a meme Negrek used it here it must be a meme. For English of course yeah we have to write stuff, though we didn't have to write /stories/... Poems, not really either. Just essays and ew.

    It should get V-CREATE. Repeatedly!

    Don't worry, I can't use fully evolved Pokemon on you. :D I only had Phalanx there, anyway - hey, I haven't used Phalanx in a while, actually. btw, how close are you to getting your Salamence?
    That's a bit odd! I have an odd thing with layouts; it usually just depends on the particular one whether or not I like it. I suppose I'm just not great at describing my tastes in them. I like all of Aradia's themes; personally I love to listen to Alterniabound (the album) when writing or something. But I like pretty much all the albums I listen to, so.

    Ugh same here, although I've already said that. The worst thing is that I'll be terrible at it when I have to write with them because I have no experience. I probably should just go post some fics anonymously to get real criticism but I'm afraid of getting torn apart ;_;

    We should have a battle with that! My deino versus your luxio, yeah. With an extremely impractical stage that sounds cool. It could be more relaxed so that you don't have to feel reluctant. The tournament round is coming up... tonight D: I need to candy up so much. I mean if I take away experience from two pokemon I want to evolve I could make my own, but honestly I don't really want to. I still will if it goes much further into freak-out mode, though. You don't happen to have two candies and want a contrary snivy, do you...?

    Oh, that. I think it's sort of hilarious, actually. xD Poison joke would be like the best security system ever. "Keep out, everypony!" I'd prefer being a unicorn to a pegasus anyday, but I'll admit flying would be awesome. Except for the fact I bet some sort of pony has teleporting magic.

    I think I sufficiently shorted it (how do I grammar again; oh right it's shortened) this time. Listening to Sburban Countdown on repeat is making me sort of anxious.

    It was :O Sometimes a paragraph took a whole reply
    I'm not bothered by light colors (unless it's something like brilliant white when I'm expecting a black background ><;), but I prefer darker colors. I like pastels in general, although in layouts I tend to dislike them. I know what you mean, with the eye thing D: How could I possibly forget BL1ND JUST1C3 that is amazingly awesome and wow Flip was perfect so yeah :D! On the subject of remixes and Terezi, Terezi Owns is also extremely great. But either way almost every piece of Homestuck music is gooood so. I'm personally quite fond of Psychoruins!

    Hooow the hell could you write that much ?_? I think it just occured to me what I'm commiting to. Oh weeell, the plot already being determined is great and this should work out. I'm just afraid my characterization is terrible; I never play canon characters in RPs for a reason.

    I don't think I'm ever going to use my deino, honestly. I /hate/ hustle and on top of that wow did you see my signature attribute for him? I usually hate chaotic things like that. But sure, I'd take you on. :D Except one of us will have to finish before the next round of the tournament; I want to have a large selection of choices so if he's not evolved by then I'll just use my rare candies on him. I agree on the EXP grab thing! I almost never issue a *real* challenge, and if I do issue one it's usually a specifically made arena I created with a friend.

    It's episode nine, but you don't have to watch the rest to understand it. I think it's cute! I usually don''t notice anything, but who knows maybe if you point something out I'll suddenly be like I WILL NEVER SEE MLP THE SAME WAY AGAIN. I know right :O I mean seriously it would suck to be an earth pony. And to a lesser extent a pegasus; I couldn't imagine having to carry things in your mouth all the time. There are pegasus mailponies though, maybe the workforce isn't all that dominated.

    This weird how it always happens; it usually fixes itself eventually

    Except for the time I got into a huge conversation battle and replies spanned several VMs, that didn't fix.
    Windia? Not crowded? when were you playing seriously
    it's like the second most crowded world on ms. d:
    my account got hacked,so I can't get on
    I base my favs on skills.
    Battle Mages ftw! :3

    why the overly populated world why
    well,I play in Nova. friendly people. :3
    well,I just have to tell you that picking up items on your panther is just REALLY ANNOYING.
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