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  • I see that you have made your Wild Hunter.
    friend request me once I get on?

    I got to level 100. d:
    i actually have a newbish Blaze Wizard in Windia.
    Yeah, Humber river, near Old Mill station? Dunno if you go there often, it's kinda far xD; I've never fasttracked because the school was all YOU CANNOT FASTTRACK and I was like eep okay D: but everyone else does it anyway.

    Apparently I write good speeches - my grade 8 teacher told me that after I did my speech on cannibalism. Ego +20! But since then we've never had to write speeches, so. :P I don't often write stories and I don't show them often... Your stories sound interesting though. Got any that still exist that I can read?

    Yes, moveset of V-Create V-Create V-Create V-Create BEST MOVESET repeatedly

    Yup, for a while now~ Well, she's gonna get some EXP in our battle, so... idk if you want your Salamence nao or what?

    btw, why did we put that rule where if a person doesn't post commands in time in a simulation, we have it going for one more round before actually shutting down again? o.o
    I don't think so.

    Ah. I always manage to assume referees are seventeen or older for some reason, call me prejudiced. :/
    I don't think so.

    Ah. I always manage to assume referees are seventeen or older for some reason, call me prejudiced. :/

    I'd be a very small minion. Given that I'm only ten...


    I just got the sense that you're older, is all.
    Whoaaah, I was just viewing your profile and reffings. Coincidence much?

    No, I don't. I am in the northeastern USA.
    (How do you possibly type so fast maybe I just let things sit there for too long)

    Yeah pretty much! I mean I like Rose as a character but she just seems like a weird nun and I don't like yellow and orange together anyway so it was pretty much inevitable that I didn't like her costume. I don't know, it seems less like a dress than Jade's! Although I suppose it's pretty much still a dress. And flygon on top of salamence, too! I mean seriously why didn't they get the stat points necessary to be a pseudo :/ It's like somewhere in between the cartoon bug cool (I don't know why I have so many bug types; I hate bugs) and dragon awesome. Garchomp is terrible okay.

    I don't know my plan is just keep reffing or trying to ref until the stupid goes away. Maybe that will work, maybe this will become one of those NaReWriMo some refs are doing???

    I really want to write another of those and count it but that's so stupid whelp Perhaps; from what I've seen you seem to be pretty great so! Yay for self-esteem? ^_^ Linoone is also awesome because so cute it's a better form of zigzagoon (one of the cutest things ever) and also along with being a raccoon I might a ridiculously optimistic linoone character and she was so delusional in her optimism it was fun.

    Did that. Well it sort of seems like a hairless cat or something it's honestly sort of creepy >( That's the best part, though! No, sadly; I had a plan to cosplay in tandem with the only other person in the school who likes Homestuck (he's one of my friends and I introduced him to it) but apparently the universe hates me having his phone number so that sort of fell through. I mean seriously, I've lost it like three times (even when I put it in my phone!) and this time I wrote it down wrong so when I called the number I got this random person. Ugh.

    Please don't let this happen in... whatever.

    Yeah, I'm still in A Game Of Thrones. I think I'll be getting the next book soon, though; regardless of whether or not I'm finished with the first one by then I'll probably get the new one on the fifth for my birthday. There wasn't much I wanted other than that, and a DS Lite because my DSi suddenly has black lines all over the touchscreen. I like Arya too, but she's also just about tied with Sansa; they're both so kid-like because they're kids and all that. I used to dislike Ned, so I'm looking forward to that! The only POV character I dislike in that I dislike reading about (as opposed to how I don't like Tyrion but love reading his chapters) is Catelyn; she seems pretty boring so. He's slowly became pretty cool, though, and Taking A Level In Badass doesn't seem too far off! :D
    I don't know what to buy first! But that sounds awesome, that could be like you vs. me III or something because we still have our "rivalry" right. :D
    ... I don't think I will either.
    ... Haha it seems like /everyone/ is ignoring Rose's tiger. Which is pretty okay with me because it looks like a less cool version of Vriska's :V But either way salamence is really great too! The Hoenn pseudolegends are the best, in my opinion.

    And it's here now. Okay so now I need to get moving! Except I think I'd rather procrastinate on reffing I'll just go do that and earn some money.

    And I will count this reply in my NaNo, yes Why is that so amusing (I would quote that in my sig if I actually had more of that sort of stuff and also did that normally); don't worry I'm not only a fool but I'll accept and wear proudly my status as an idiot! Although I'm pretty sure I'm nicely good at dodging attacks creatively in ASB :O Also the pokedex /is/ weird; I love linoone anyway though!

    That makes a lot more sense :O I think I'll just. Ninja-edit that in there so maybe I won't have to fret with the attribute for too long? Maybe. Furret yes but leafeon is weird honestly :( But either way we can lament quagsire, swellow, banette, mawile, lanturn and others right? It's not really religious conservative, or at least my mom and dad; the most we do is pray every Thanksgiving. Luckily that went well and I went as a pretty terrible Vriska! For some reason black+white facepaint decided to equal blue, and I had to like smear grey eyeshadow all over myself. It was a fun Halloween, though! Pretty much haha.


    Good point! I'm at the point where
    and wow that was awesome seriously :O I think I love Dany though. Also also also I have character ideas for them as pokemon! Spoilered all of them because maybe it could be a surprise?
    Ahaha pretty much. I'm just glad I got the God Tier avatar first.

    ... Whelp two days to go and almost nothing other than my night action log to go with. Ah well this'll be fine although I know the prolougue will without a doubt be the worst part. I guess I'll just deal with it and move on; that's the point of NaNo right?

    Deino are weird, pretty much. I mean I'm pretty sure if I commanded a deino to jump in ASB it would work and all but it just doesn't look right. I'd do that! After all, blatant wordcount grabbing is fun and also I still have no idea for the second stage.

    Well, here we go. That's what it is for now, broken or not! My main reason for not taking away heal pulse is how does social awkwardness influence a beam of healing energy? Yeah. And my team ideas are the worst as well; I only play with the ones I llike and also stall is boring in-game :V My parents don't know about TCoD, or any other internet forums for that matter; it's far too liberal for them to know about I think. My dad disapproves of gay marriage and my mom thinks that all the gay pride events at her workplace are ridiculous (she says being gay is fine, though) so I don't think that would be the best thing. So I'd rather just keep the whole forum thing secret instead of selective parts, you know? I just told her about Homestuck though so maybe it'll eventually work out. Probably! If not I suppose we could postpone it. :/

    Magic A is Magic A, at least! Or maybe not, I don't know.

    Yeah pretty much, I heard about the TV show being ridiculous but I thought that was just amped up because of television aha. I was pretty surprised! I'm trying to avoid assuming things, which is working pretty well because I don't know too much about medieval stuff anyway! Also I'm pretty sure I want a swablu named Lady Lysa now; she seems pretty cool so hopefully she doesn't die!
    :( It really is, though; I made another one but it's more just a weird thing because I got bored. “So this is for the one time that character A decides to make a sandwich, but it turns out there are no pieces of bread. Character B comments that maybe A could make a sandwich with pancakes instead of bread, but A figures out that’s pretty stupid and slaps B across the face. Soon A thinks of the amazing idea of a pancake sandwich/burger with bacon, fruit, cheese, and eggs. Amazed, A goes to C with this idea, who figures out that that’s an amazing idea and slaps A across the face for being so awesome. A and C go back to B and A apologizes, saying how much of a genius B is. Suddenly they decide to go to Ihop and propose their amazing idea to the manager, who promptly fires himself after giving A, B, and C their job in their place. Because that idea is so awesome. So then A, B, and C figure out the dish would be even more awesome if they put /every breakfast item ever/ in it, but then realize that they couldn’t possibly put that much awesomeness in one dish. So then in a fit of excitement, C calls upon their powers of wizardry and calls upon the Batterwitch. They make a deal with the she-devil and suddenly all of the awesomeness of their idea turns to reality. They taste the sandwich and become engrossed in its awesomeness, and their newfound greed caused by the demoness causes them to decide that they’ll keep the recipe all to themselves. They convert the Ihop into a factory and use it to make thousands upon thousands of pancake-sandwiches; they churn them out by the dozen and never, ever share. Their workers are Oompa-Loompas, but instead of getting paid in chocolate they get paid in visions of the pancake-sandwiches. But they actually don’t get any of the sandwiches, oh no! So finally when A, B, and C are good and fat they make a temple out of the Batterwitch’s creation. And then suddenly, the Batterwitch reappears! She decides that she needs to be paid for her services with interest, and therefore steals all of the breakfast burgers to sell herself. Everyone is upset, especially Oompa-Loompa D; they had been fed lots of syrupy bacon visions. So in a rage she attacked the Batterwitch, but then she retaliated; she killed Oompa-Loompa D without a second thought. Eventually her empire took over the world, and the whole thing was revealed to be an Aesop taught to John Egbert about stupid ideas and stuff.” I don't know.

    Yeah, I posted it. Um I don't know just because I have a plot structure going on doesn't mean it'll help too much. I mean I think the very very small windows of oppurtunity to improvise will mess me up or something; maybe plot out what kind of drama will occur?

    Good point. It just feels like they can't jump, like elephants or something. The extra energy sounds great but you're right about KOing each other in the second round; maybe we should be more careful (although that directly competes with the idea of the Donkey Kong stage because that would be ridiculously hard to traverse).

    I think it's going to be for... Ma'at? At the moment it's pretty up in the air ^^; When I first thought of it my first thought was alakazam or porygon, but after looking at the first's movepool I decided it wasn't really good enough. I mean, it had a huge movepool, but it seemed there just wasn't enough balance to it. I'm pretty sure if in singles my opponent put up a lightscreen and I only had the alakazam I'd be screwed. Porygon's a likelier choice, but I can't think of a way to balance it for them. My plan for balancing it out (if I use Ma'at) is just to completely nerf her social abilities; she doesn't understand flatter or swagger and therefore doesn't get the attack boost, she can't use attract or captivate well, etc. I'm... pretty sure I still suck too; my whole stategy is to go, "OKAY LET'S JUST REPLICATE A SET FROM SMOGON THE BEST THAT I CAN EXCEPT I CAN'T USE MANY EGG MOVES OR TUTOR MOVES OR CERTAIN TMS." Sure, though! Not typically, but as implied by my earlier statement I'm pretty flexible. If I were able to download a simulator I might end up being good, but I can't so. Well, if you get one tell me what you "won" :O I checked and I think I have an empty slot...? Damn my unreliable profile that I don't actually keep track of. Pretty much! I typically try to keep a slot open just for this sort of thing; hopefully the mega-battle won't come up while slots are filled.

    Pretty much :D It's like Screw The Rules I Have Magic.

    EDIT: ALSO I keep meaning to tell you this but then I forget. I started reading A Game Of Thrones a few days ago! I'm going slower than my usual pace, and I'm somewhere in the 200s.
    It's a great series! It's been a while since I read one that I didn't have to make myself not rush through it.
    ... How did I forget about that video? ;_; I was so sad about it before and then I guess I just got over it. But then I watched it again and just. So sad. "And this is for the time that when sneaking into the zoo he gets really excited about finally meeting the tiger but then he realizes that tigers are predators which he forgot even though he knew everything about tigers but that's okay because this white tiger is actually a vegetarian due to magic! But then the boy realized that no, the talking white tiger wasn't vegetarian because he was magic; he was "magic" because he was a demon transformed into a tiger! But then he's saved by a heroic angel lion, who had been tracking the tiger the whole time! And then it's realized that the zoo is some sort of metaphor for the afterlife, and the boy is in a coma after getting killed by falling into the tiger exhibit at the zoo!" is this outlandish enough

    ... And I need to stop procrasting too. I mean seriously if I post the write-up on Halloween I'll never be able to get what people's alliances are in time to include them in the story.

    Haha pretty much. Maybe we should use flying/high jumping pokemon. It can be an Improbable Everything Battle! How the hell would a deino move around though. I don't think they can jump!

    Yeah. Now I've got an entirely new idea for the battle and also the tournament as a whole if I advance (a signature attribute that allows four conditionals :D!), so thanks for that. I used to hate rentals too, until I discovered EV training and natures a long time ago; haha my pokemon sucked so much so then I just decided to start using rentals until I got some good ones on there. Except then I never got around to transferring so. I guess you can get one of those awesome random-bags, then! I am seriously going to abuse that so much and never buy normal berries again. I'm just too paranoid to go brute-forcing people. That would be pretty fun! Maybe once my battle slots open up (I think all of them are filled right now, but I'm not entirely sure) we could plan it along with our other battle. This might end up like all the Karkat Vantas vs. Metallica Fanboy battles, that would be interesting :O

    That'd be fun! Also I could also lift things to carry me if that didn't work
    neat neat thank you

    yeah I got moving figured out, it was just me being a giant moron and being bad with engrish, which is what the control menu was full of, hahaha.
    Mine just evolved, so, there's still four points before I could get there.
    For the hope that one day we'll occupy that shiny Salamence spot in the League Pokédex that only Kratos Aurion currently holds.

    Kratos has all the awesome Pokémon ever.
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