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  • Actually, yeah, that's a good idea. That way people will have advance notice and the person who wants the slot badly enough to camp at our business will get it. :D

    Hurr, yup. But if res isn't bringing anything up, I think we're good; I suspect that he sits at his desk and brainstorms strategies/loopholes all day.

    Well for us it was mainly to... actually I don't even know. It was a /chemistry/ field trip there was barely any chemistry in it I mean what. But it was a pretty fun trip. :D Oh man people getting lost on trips is somewhat amusing afterwards, but when it's actually happening it's pretty scary. That happened to us once, when our class when to the Eaton Centre, and some dude didn't check his watch and all. Finally we stopped waiting for him and went back to school and the teacher called the authorities. And then he shows up at our school half an hour later. He actually found his way back, miraculously.

    Hm, that might happen, but there are always staples of high school courses - math, some sort of science, what have you. Other stuff tends to get decided on the spot 8D; It was easier for me to choose my courses because two of my slots are taken up by CyberArts, so I don't have any spare slots to fill up. Also exam for $200 what madness you could get so much food for that. Or games, yeah. Also 1-7 is such an... odd selection of levels.

    Dude what are you talking about that is the BEST judicial system *shot* Also ahhh that makes sense yeah. Our averages are like 80 ~ 90 (90+ for the super nerdy people).

    How about minimum defense IVs on Paras? And and Flash Fire boost! What else hrmmm. Oh I shall get a Marowak after a battle I should /totally/ sig it
    (nawww somehow I doubt Negrek would let me have V-Create)

    B-but it makes me feel bad if I curbstomp my buddy because of a type matchup that I suggested. ): Like I am a dirty dirty cheater.

    Now I have an amusing image of a Mewtwo crushed under a cannonball. :D
    Sable asked for a reservation before, but I refused since yeah, it'd get messy quick. It's mostly about luck, unfortunately.

    So I updated the rules; it'd be much easier to keep track of if they could only use those moves at or below 100%. OTL

    Just went to UofT for a field trip today. That place is huge and confusing @.@ Also myBlueprint is lol and I don't think anyone actually uses it! They just slap stuff on and go "okay I'm done teacher look" and never touch it again. Oh, so for IB you have to do French all the way? I only took it in grade 11 'cuz I had space, lol. Also you need to pay for exams what is this madness

    THAT IS A GREAT IDEA. In fact I bet many law students were inspired by Phoenix Wright! Nothing wrong with that! Formal arguing just takes the fun out of arguing. And wow, everyone in IB gets 95+? If you get 90+ here you're considered good; if you get 95+ you're considered godly.

    Yes, like Naive or something! Repeatedly!

    ... oh. Right. I keep thinking Storm is pure dragon and OTL Whoops.

    ... ahhh, okay. Derp ASB cannon is confusing. Wait, is it canon or cannon?
    You look like a friendly and approachable person! :D

    But general question about signature attribute!Murkrow: do you suggest any particularly prank-ish moves that would be useful?

    kusari's vm's are weird
    Not yet, perhaps, but the battle will take time, and that is all we need. When we are finished with you, we can focus all our energies on Her.

    Why would I share my plans with you? You are not a part of them. Because you'll be dead.

    There is nothing else I would prefer to call Her.

    I have more power than any human. I have more power than even swarms of you can manage, and even then, you use only borrowed power. Would you truly claim that the abilities of your pokémon are your own, human? My powers, at least, are mine. No one else can wield them, no matter how they try!

    I care not for what you claim is superiority. I know that I have been wronged, and I have the power and opportunity to exact justice. Your theory is flawed, however. One can be similar to a being one is better than - superiority does not require great distance.

    You are mistaken. My creators were not Her tools, not even before I killed them. No. Rather, they were quite similar to Her. But that no longer matters.

    It begins. You may watch as your allies fall, human, and regret.
    What do you think will be left even if you, after a long struggle, stopped the meteors?

    Destruction of the city is not even at the forefront of our minds any longer. It is a task we have already completed.

    ... ha. You really don't understand, do you? Of course She is far more powerful than any of you. If not, we would not have to destroy Her. Yet She still fears us. She summons you because She fears us! She knows that we would have our revenge, our freedom, and She can do nothing but sacrifice the lives of all those who heed Her call until there is nothing of Her empire left!

    I suppose you would not understand. Communication with you humans is limited to words, after all, and you misunderstand even those. Your death is not important. You are not special. I would crush a wall if it stood in my way. I would destroy a city if it hindered my freedom. I would set a swarm of insects aflame if She used them as a shield. Killing you has no significance, human. When I am finally free, I will not think of you again. You do not matter in any meaningful way, and however you equivocate the words I am restrained to in an attempt to convince yourself otherwise, you are not important.

    You are merely a tool She used, and continues to use, to keep us restrained. We will break all Her tools if we must, but if the tools are not used against us, we would not need to consider them. Only She, the wielder, must be destroyed.
    ... you're not a good person. You know that, right? Good people don't end up here.

    Your doublethink, your mental reconstructions of the truth, your evasion of guilt for what you have done - She is not even at fault for that. You are. You even evade the guilt of the knowledge that your excuses would crumble at the slightest touch. These mental acrobatics are impressive for small minds like yours, I will grant you.

    But I do not consider it a virtue, especially when it hinders your realisation that, if you truly wished to save the people, that is what you would be doing. You fool yourself, and allow your peers to fool you, into believing that taking us down will aid those below you.

    No. The meteors will continue to fall regardless of your actions. The only target you shield is Her.

    Your death being necessary doesn't mean it is important. It is necessary because you are in our way, but what is important is merely reaching our target.
    I filter my words through this puppet, yes. Its mind has been open to me for some time, now, and it welcomes the powerful mind I have offered to share.

    Mind not its blood and its burns.

    I suppose you would not, in any case. I see the kind of humans She surrounds herself with. I thought this specimen remarkable, but now I understand. It is not that this human is special. You are all monsters.

    Do you think the destruction of the buildings is not without casualties? I understand that. I understood since before She came. I, however, judged it an acceptable risk and sacrifice.

    ... that is still my stance. I do not care for the people harmed, but I do not particularly wish them ill, either, save for a select few. If you attempted to save the people, I would have allowed that. You could have come with negotiations, and you could take your people where they would not suffer my vengeance. But that was not your choice. None of you chose that. Perhaps you did not think of it. By your claims, you simply did not think of the lives you were complicit in putting at risk.

    You did not think of us, either, when you agreed to imprison us. I have given far more consideration to the people of Her empire than what I was given.

    I will destroy all the obstacles that I must. I only wish for these crimes to never happen again, and I will do what is necessary to reach that end. Her death is necessary. Yours - well, with a mind so easily bent to Her will, I suppose yours is, as well.
    What am I going to do with you?

    You enabled our escape, as you surely realised. Our plans were in motion, but they might have taken much longer if not for your aid. And you must have predicted that the destruction of Her city would ensue. This puppet declared it, and it was not at all subtle. Did some part of not you rejoice in the destruction of Her city? Was there no part of you eagerly watching for some sign of a great power coming down from the sky? Some of you humans claim to be the city's defenders, but surely you cannot count yourself among them.

    And yet you are also complicit in the crimes against us. Daring to use our image for your profits, aiding in our imprisonment, even allowing Her to take down one of our kind with her weaker pokémon. That is the sort of thing you willed. Using us for training. For play. I could not forget these indignities you visited upon us in a thousand years - but perhaps I could have forgiven them. It is Her will behind everything, ultimately. I would not forget that, either.

    And here you are, standing against us. Is this truly the stand you wish to take, human?
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