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  • Yeah I was watching the battle for Negrek's blood and I saw the name and had a SQUEE moment.
    Your sharpedo's name, I KNOW WHERE IT'S FROM!

    Ed is so an allowed short for it. The Pale one didn't seem to care in the books. (/happy to find something to remind her of the YW forums)
    I was about to say Zuko would make a great yamask but
    I'd be Lynne myself, but I love swimming. Or a torchic but I already have a meditite so let's stick with that. I do love torchic and all of the Hoenn starters, though... Right! If we're operating under a Cabanela-is-dead thing, Sissel (who are they?) could be saving neg right now and it could be that ghost-telepathy thing hey maybe I've made sense out of this after all. KILL ME SENSE AND LOGIC ARE PLAGUES LIKE MERCY. Oh, that's too bad; it was more a silly thing anyway.
    I AM MY OWN TRAINER OF COURSE. So yeah being a zangoose would be cool. I think that would make Azula a seviper though that seems interesting and maaaybe fitting.

    You could be Lynne of course! But does that make any sense NEVER MIND ABOUT THE SENSE just cancel that for a second mmkay Memry is the best meditite/medicham. :D Just think; the helmet-thing is the chicken. Of course the meditite I have is a guy but "Memry" is fairly androgynous enough right. Right. I will! Or maybe we should rope someone else into this Mawile likes Ghost Trick! And the pidgeon guy was really cool and also have you seen Invader Zim because head pigeons yes.
    But here's the thing I'll be BETTER THAN HEATRAN. And non-legendary to boot; you can legally own me in Asber without breaking things! :D I forge my own throwing knives due to type and wow does that actually sort seem an interesting signature move to you

    I'm the Memry of the battling division! I actually like Memry a lot haha. But then again this is Ghost Trick love all of the characters. I miiight be able to interrupt that, though! And then the battle will become Ghost Trick yesss.
    What I swear I replied to this. D<

    Yeah, eventually... It'd be nice to battle against a legendary outside of BfA, really. And it's less about who's commanding and more about us splitting up the reffing work :0 I don't want you overloaded with battles to ref, haha.

    Well as it turns out my double has been picked up, though it does have energy. Oh well, maybe I'll make a double-battle-with-infinite-energy some other time~

    I have math first semester unfortunately ;~; And I don't think I've ever heard of a math class going on a field trip...! Also for some reason I thought you went to Marc Garneau, herp. idk I /might/ know people in Sir Wilfrid Laurier but maybe that's just my brain being weird.

    I don't want double-math or double-English or aaa ;~; Also what you guys have pottery what is this. That sounds really fun. We just have the boring standard art classes, and Photography (which I'm not interested in). And if ASBucks were legit money I'd be filthy rich (well not so much anymore) and that would be good.

    YAY DRAGON :DDD I'm pretty sure I've passed by your school, too (it's not creepy nope!) and iirc our schools are about half an hour to 45 minutes away, driving time? Also your report cards are not the usual paper size? o.o

    yesyes very good idea. y all the way.

    It'd be amusing if I submitted a fire-thingy place and you submitted an ice-thingy place and then we have weird nonsensical arena!

    Shameless advertising LIKE A BOSS.
    Well then, when we have our epic duel we'll be evenly matched :D! Obviously you're dragon/flying; I suppose I might be fire/steel? Fire Nation and all that.

    I guess so! Also as you might have noticed in the Battle for Negrek's Blood I've just beat Ghost Trick a few days ago.
    Is it weird that I really want a Ghost Trick inspired signature move thing for a Sissel
    ... Did we just both get each other haban berries for Christmas? Ahaha great minds think alike I guess. (Thanks for the presents, by the way!)

    I kind-of-sort-of forgot about that VM! Should I reply to prove that I cannot prompt
    I... sort of already have a Cranidos. With nearly enough experience to evolve, too.

    But thanks for the gift, anyhow!

    combos do waste both actions even if protected against, yes?

    eh, it's a negligible thing that really probably will never come up ever, but. actually, the sig attribute seems terribad and useless to me atm but.
    why is vilya taking steps, she's basically inherently hovering/consensually flying.

    ... well, okay, I guess I can see that encore the combo if rayquaza was waiting for vilya to take her action. works better, I guess!
    You're commanding last, so, feel free to mess around. I have a few reffings to get done before yours anyhow.
    I don't ref Faint Attack the way Negrek does, so I'm not sure about how I'll be handling your commands.
    IS STILL BETTER TO nothing x 3

    ... although I'm amused by the image of a metronome battle stalling to an infinite string of nothing x3s because both battlers have realized this is the most expedient course of action.

    of course, that would only happen if I were both of them, so.
    in whivit vs you, would it not have been more expedient to nothing x 3 -- you still have 71% health, beyonce's energy is far from top, and with metronome's extra cost, there's effectively no way it could beat you before its energy ran out.
    asdfghjkl; the Avatar gifs in your signature are awesome I just wanted you to know
    That scene made me cry
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