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  • That's the first sine of madness, you know. Then things don't seem to add up and you don't know what's real or imaginary.
    Hmm... Actually, I like that idea. So like, if a legendary on Hopeless was at full health and was Super Fang'd, it'd only lose 50% health, right? Also... for some reason, in my arenas document, I already have Spear Pillar there... OTL Well, send me what you have anyway, and we'll see if we can't throw them together to make one big awesome arena.

    Well UofT is generally awesome. And OCAD is held up by crayons, which is awesome. Yeah, I'm probably gonna be lazy and eat microwaved meals and get fat, but oh well! Some of my teachers in Cyber went to OCAD, dunno if it's very good or what, gonna research universities sometime... later... I'm a square and I always do my homework, but it takes me ages OTL And IB = fast tracking in math? Eek.

    A few of my classmates took law, but I'm just like "derp law what is that". Didn't have space for it, anyhow. I'm very argumentative, but I can't think of things on the spot (IRL, at least), and when it comes to /formal/ arguing then I kinda just freeze up... Also valedictorian do not want to be ): I have terrible stage fright. And that is still the best thesis ever your teacher is retarded for not realizing the epicness of it.

    And critical hit! And and... 999 attack? Repeatedly.

    Set style is preferable in ASB OTL Hey, when you get your Salamence we should totally have a most-awesome-Pokemon showdown. Storm vs. Phalanx! :D

    Yup, nearly done Dragonspiral Tower now. And meteor hole what is that *has fixed with ninjatoes* Actually, it's this the second time our business has been utterly destroyed? First in this year's Mafia, now the legendary thing?
    (also yes I bet our business's profits will increase tenfold oh wait we don't have enough slots and we don't make much of a profit anyway hurdurr)
    So Super Fang is another move to add to the banned moves list... perhaps Final Gambit? I dunno :U I asked Negrek about it, see what she says. After she answers, we'll change the stuff, and then I'll DQ Griffin, since his time is up.

    I really have no idea where I'd like to go OTL Maybe OCAD? But hey, if you have more options, that's always nice, right? I'm actually doing okay in math right now! But my mark will certainly drop; I always get a 70 on the exam, because I can never remember all the concepts and formulas and OTL And yeah, it'd be a good idea to pay attention LOL Math tends to be half review, but since people generally don't remember last year's stuff...!

    Man, I hate debates ): I suck at thinking on my feet. Anyway, I think I'd be kicked off stage if I actually did represent my class LOL But maybe it would be worth it, to see their expressions? And I knew what your thesis was referring to xP Others might not, though.


    Well, right now I just want to get 1 KO with Loa, and ideally 2 with Always. Rem doesn't need any KOs to evolve, anyway. A 2v2 switch battle sounds the best; 1v1 battles are too short and generally revolve around punching huge holes in each other, anyway :P

    I am not, that was sent before dinner! And... I have not made the arena yet, nope! Shall get on that now~
    It's alright, people seem to forget that one a lot. Also that infinity is an integer between six and seven.
    You have a Buizel named Taggerung. You've jumped quite a few places on the my-favorite-people-on-TCoD list.
    Just posting to say that your metronome battle reffings are seriously awesome.
    ((Also my VM broke the reply space by one character; this is the beginning of the casual VM apocalypse :P))
    WELL, I AM TEN DAYS BEHIND so I win right. ... Hahaha I knew this wasn't going to work from the beginning. It's like the Math Contest! I might as well write up signature attributes or something, but I have only vague ideas where I need specifics. Like, I know Kaleidoscope's attribute is going to play off tinted lens and her theme of reflected light stuff (am I doing this right), but at the same time I'm just like what.

    Good point! Sometimes my brain just does not work and honestly I don't even know. But that would be an interesting thing to toy with; being a hero of Space would be really fun! Also, their D/P/HG/SS sprites make me cringe maybe I'm just seeing it wrong but did they just break their neck or what? I don't know it just looks really weird. I'll just sort of... retroactively shun most of the fourth generation okay. I am serious a ton of their designs are just :(. There are a few really great ones, but I think going over the whole 'dex I like a lot less on average. Maybe it's because that was pretty much the only playthrough where I managed to pick the pokemon with the shittiest movepool every single time. Luxray, cherrim, lumineon... it was ridiculous. But yeah there are some pretty bad dragons.

    Sometimes I just wonder if it's possible for me to do anything major without procrastinating. But hopefully you get some manner of effective fortune! (That sounds weird but I don't want to say the exact same thing so.)

    I sort of want to help but ugh where's the line between "you can do it, especially because this!" vague cheering and cheating go. But yeah, your commands look fine! Maybe you should check to see if you can heal to a specific amount with Blastoise if you haven't already, though. Also, when it's your turn to attack first and you don't have much energy (yay we are both relying on direct healing and sableye), make sure to use a bunch of weirdly creative commands! It makes you feel smart even if it doesn't entirely work out in your favor! I will totally abuse that strategy whenever I send out Kaleidoscope ever yes. You aren't losing in all of your battles; I'm pretty sure you'll win in our current battle! Who knows, you and Mawile might end up being the only trainers in the League to knock out the Champion if things go well xD That is like the cutest face ever possible on a linoone though but also was I the only one freaked out by the change from this to this? It looked cute before but when I transported a linnone into the 4th generation I was like ":O" because that is amazingly creepy. The same this happened with mightyena, too; maybe I'm just easily bothered. But yeah it was fixed in B/W so it's good.

    I don't either, but I think I'll just... try and see if I can find one with a different expression or something because yeah it's sorta weird. I can just imagine it now; you also forgot the part where you die all the damn time I'm pretty sure that would be completely terrifying. I don't think I could live with being a Time player. Also is that supposed to be capitalized or not oh well it's not like it matters too much.

    Until you get Disowned By The Fans, yeah! That may not be the exact wording but I don't feel too compelled to find the link right now.

    It's black with the blue top screen thing; I like it :3 Pretty much! Also what's happening in a Clash of Kings is ridiculously awesome but at the same time I'm like "what nooo D:" so I don't even know where I stand.
    Yeah, I figured. I think I'll just... refrain from doing that right now but maybe once I get a little further look on Google Images or something? Even though there's some text there might be spoilery images, though.

    Haha I just realized that now I think I need to use him. Now that he has an actual name I have a lot more respect for him!

    I'm never prompt
    How about we ban Endeavour and Pain Split when the legendaries are above 100% health?

    Yay for two diplomas~ Dude math is terrible ): I hate math so much aaa why do universities love it so much. Also beware grade 11 - idk if it's just my school, but there was a huge jump in homework and expectations and stuff. So be prepared!

    Yeah, that's exactly what I did LOL And I could've represented my class in our annual speech-thingy, if my topic was less disturbing. Also that is the best thesis I have ever heard I actually want to sig that. And idk if I'll write any stories in the next five years, but...! :D

    And give it Adaptability. Repeatedly.

    B-but I want to KO something with Always and Loa ): See I was planning to sweep with Adamantite later because fossils suck to evolve, but then YOU SWITCHED AGAIN FFF man let's just not do switch battles in the future

    Yeah, I suppose it will. ... damn I haven't made a new arena in ages. Maybe I'll do that when I get back from dinner. The 5th gen legendaries aren't getting much love... Maybe I'll do Dragonspiral Tower?
    Oh dear God we forgot to ban some very important moves in our simulation, and res seems to have caught on... Hi Pain Split. Also Destiny Bond. Anything else durr

    ... did you ever tell me you were in IB? Herp. How's the program like?

    Yes, cannibalism. Actually, I came up with the topic when I was browsing the srs bsns subsection here :P Yeah, I /think/ I'm good with essays... but my anthro teacher is hell picky and everyone fails essays with her. And I understand the not-showing-stories-ness - I'm like that too. :P

    And and uh sunny day and flash fire activated and critical hit and...! Repeatedly.

    See, in our battle I was planning to evolve Rem and Tachigami, but now my plans have gone all over the place and I have no idea who to use my candies on anymore ;~;

    Yeah, I think we should change it, but they should get their EXP, like in any other DQ battle. I mean, they already paid money and all.
    I am always procrastinating on NaNo, or at least on something.

    Maybe Jade can still mess around with combining items? Her dress isn't the one that needs fixing but still. ... Yeah, it sort of does! I alway love flygon's wings, and also the goggle-eyes. It's apparently a land shark or something? But yeah I agree those two suck >(

    I will be working on my first real NaNo stuff tonight. ... Maybe I can shoot for 30,000?

    Yeah more than 50,000 is definitely not happening. And don't be so down on yourself! Self confidence; you can never underestimate the power of attacking last. Also I can already think of a way to sort-of get out of this depending on Zhorken's attacks! Remember your berry bag or other thing; together we can do this! Linoone do look weirdly serious, but not in their black and white sprite; there they look so curious and adorable. :3 But yeah she was really optomistic. Like... delusional optomistic.

    I'm pretty sure my love for quagsire exceeds all logical sense. Now that I look at it quagsire looks sort of creepy, but I still love them so. He was going to be John in God Tier, which would've been awesome. Although technically I guess Vriska wouldn't have met him yet, considering I was being postexplosion!Vriska. Weird time stuff.

    :( That sucks.

    Yeah, but I got a used one at Gamestop anyway so. Also now I have presents yay. ... Except now I have like no idea what I want. Why do I never think ahead? But still ahaha how could I possibly get that many presents :O Anyway I'm on the second book!
    Good idea, but honestly I always see the words so maybe just Image Search? I don't even know.

    EDIT: I don't know why this came out so short :o I thought I typed a lot more than that! But I suppose that means we don't have to face the danger of the conversation getting too large?
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