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    and i'm all depressed for the rest of the day if i can't find them :(
    Late reply is late. Herpp

    YES PSYCH UP. Also crap, they have Memento? I sense doom. ):

    The server's been pretty ridiculous as of late, actually ): Also ff I must get started on my own reffings.


    Well, they're considered "fully evolved" so they get an evolutionary bonus, yup.

    ... repeated bonuses? DO WANT
    I know if only right. DRACO METEOR GO nevermind that they'll be doing piddlyshit after -6 BUT WHO CARES.

    ... LOL Sorry for making you panic 8D; Anyway, I also edited the first post so that in the shop till, it links to the post where they paid as well as the battle itself, so that should make things easier.

    Watch Lati@s roll Draco Meteor thrice next round. Utter carnage gogogo.


    Only if you have time, of course~ And you don't have to right away xP It's not even required lalala.
    Pretty much everything in your signature scares me or makes me laugh or BOTH.

    Mostly both. Which is completely awesome.
    Yeah, I just remembered it last night haha. I was about to issue commands.

    Derp I thought I replied to your previous comment though.

    ... But Latios will still find a way. He's a legendary! He can do anything!
    I'll /probably/ be able to pick out any derps you make. It'd be appreciated if you did the same for my reffings/commands 8D; DURRRRRRP

    Hmmm, Humanstuck AU's. Never really saw the appeal.

    And yeah, hopefully when people get tired of asks the ask authors will go back to drawing things other than silly cartoon responses. And other people will follow suit. :P
    Oh man, I did not even know combo ask blogs were a thing that existed. That's kind of getting desperate. (Also, ask blogs involving an OC? Dear everyone, nobody cares about your OC. Signed, the Internet.)

    And you're right, joke fatigue/people running out of stuff to ask is definitely a problem. Especially true for characters like Equius who pretty much only have one joke going for them in the first place. -_-;
    I try to stay away from Tumblr for my sanity, but yeah, the number of Homestuck ask blogs is getting pretty silly (of course, with that many characters...), but I'm sure most of the crappy ones will die out soon enough. They take a lot of work to maintain, so I imagine a lot of them will just die of that as well.
    Well, it's usually hard to find stuff that isn't shippy to some degree, but probably the ask blog fad will die down in a little while, at least.
    I'm sure you'll be able to find something for all your fandoms, if you're willing to sell your soul to Tumblr.
    After looking at all of your signature pics, they're all pretty rocking. Good taste in games and signature pics, etc. etc.
    Oops, totally didn't notice it was randomized. I was seeing the TWEWY one, actually. So pretty. @_@
    ... Psyshock against Sherile?

    Also sandstorm will benefit everyone it is the driving force of the current OU metagame. Latios will find a way!


    Oh yeah also, I clarified the whole randomizing thing, so the legends can choose their own targets and how to use the attacks. Just a heads up~
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