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  • Oh, if Mai's late, feel free to pick up a round there. I'd appreciate it.
    Three battles done, yes, and I'm about to close another one up. Out of... eighteen, welp. After I'm done here, I'm gonna have to pick up some emergency rounds or DQ warnings.
    Miraculous, innit.

    I hope enough battles are done by midnight today or so, since I'm thinking of opening late bracket entries then.
    Good question. In any case, I don't recommend attempting to hit a Flying-type with Earthquake, even if they're not exactly in maiden flight conditions.
    Also, on top of the ridiculous rolls I already have, I keep rolling near-crits.

    This is going to give me a headache for the ages, but it'll also be FUN
    I'm finally reffing the pizza match and I'm just going to mention that I got ridiculous rolls on this.
    *shoves them all down derp Swellow's gaping maw*

    ... I hope you didn't give me any avocados, those are toxic to birds
    Oh okay, duly noted :P Your yelling over inconsequential things will be forgiven if you give me berries? <3
    I just interpreted that as ASB anxiety :P I mean, you were really nervous to see Flareth's commands earlier, so no offense was taken.

    I actually do calculations last! Which is apparently weird and can sometimes lead to problems when I realize an ability or a berry or something has to kick in, but.
    I dunno, I have like 4 reffings to go through before I can get to yours ;;

    I am indeed a mechanical dragon, I just happen to be a missionary of the magnificent derp Swellow. So I'll take all your berries and hand them over to derp Swellow. :D
    Fuck the picnic, this is now a baby bug demonstration of the prisoner's dilemma
    Well you better have a huge stash of berries because all the baby bugs will bawl at being called ugly or foul miscreations
    I bawl too
    Bugs are adorable ;;
    Give me a berry TTmTT
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