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  • Are you suggesting Pokémon are less important than being a competent translation engine? If that is what you're suggesting, I'm going to have to ask you to step outside, madam.
    Aren't Pokémon names all transcribed in katakana? That could be where the confusion arose, idk. Or maybe just the fact that Google Translate is balls.
    Supposedly Wobbuffet's Japanese name is also a pun that makes Wynaut's name being a pun actually make sense but the localisers were just like "lol it's a punching bag or something let's name it after that" so the joke was lost on western audiences.

    They're bloody daft Pokémon either way though.
    i'm sorry you seem to have worded that wrong let me fix it for you

    "You can't evolve Wynaut with money? WYNAUT? 8D"

    i need to go to bed
    Hey hey Eifie what about Combee are they allowed in the ballpit? You even made a bee pun but you (potentially) forgot about Combee? :C
    Through several feet of sarcasm, maybe :D

    Let Wynauts compete and I'm totally in. Then it won't feel like a complete waste if I buy a Wynaut and call it Mr Meeseeks.
    But what if someone ripped off my- er, I mean someone's reams of baby bug ball pit adventure stories before they went to print?! Years of work, wasted!
    nobody is ever going to ref that fucking mess, you realise

    ...that said i'd totes be in if i didn't want to waste my last battle slot
    but i digress
    "In all seriousness, I'm going to get myself a little mini Vermiculate Monsoon after my tournament battle"

    My reffings of VM totally won you over, didn't they <3
    Yeah, I know what you mean, we have a lot of information-concentrating to do. It'd be great if you could edit that into Fly's description c:
    Inherent flying doesn't cost any energy, but flying at higher altitudes does. It's a measure to discourage extended flying-out-of-reach shenanigans, I think.
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