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    (No, I just picked two random words (although airplanes do look like baguettes, how did I not realize this?))
    ? Before I just saw " " (three blank spaces)

    (edit: Also, I'm curious as to what you think Airplane Baguette's name means, because... idk I'm just curious I guess.)
    lol the Chatot's name is three instances of the Unicode character for trumpets
    My spirit joined this fanclub all the way back in 2013 and I'm only finding out now.
    Nah, I accept my defeat graciously and I won't walk the path of revenge. I'll focus my energies on pranking you so hard it'll handily one-up Zhorken's efforts. Incidentally, I hope you love shiny Diggersby, because as long as there's love, there's a way.
    I read the Swirlix's attribute, but then I couldn't be bothered to read the Spritzee's.

    Aw, man, I was thinking of making your Espeon mucus green as a prank sometime but it seems Zhorken has me beat there as thorougly as possible.
    Some years ago I kept running across this ice cream guy who had Blue Ice flavor. I have no idea what was in that, but apparently one of the ingredients was cake mix.

    That could work. There's a lot of typically red flavors. Although maybe I should just get one of those lime green shinies to nickname it "Lime Flavor".
    In other news, I suddenly have the biggest urge to impulse-buy a Seviper, make it shiny, and nickname it "Grape Flavor". And then, to impulse-buy a Zangoose, make it shiny, and figure out what competing flavor its colors would make.
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