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  • i shant!

    (then proceeds to wait one hour before official dq to post) lol no I WILL BE ON TIME THIS TIME
    PS I'm super sorry I haven't gotten around to reffing you vs. Keldeo yet — the other day I was trying to rush all the battles I'm doing and since y'all's was the one with the most recent commands, it was what I ended up not having time for, and since then I've alternatingly had to take care of tons of extra duties at work and/or had practically 100% spoonless days so I just haven't had the energy to finish it up. I swear it's coming soon though!
    Objection! If you squint hard enough it can still technically make sense!
    Satanism's mantissa is an insignificant significand unwelcomely interpolated amidst the greater whole of our society! (entire gallery roars, presumably because nobody understood the math terms -- otherwise they wouldn't be in Law -- and they're all just trying to fit in)
    You're challenging me to interpolate the word somewhere, then?

    I can, since I just looked it up. I didn't know before, but if that's how we're phrasing the challenge. Also, apparently it's an anagram of "satanism", so be sure to wow your professors with that fact.
    The act of adding an external element into the body of a text or other established group of elements. If it's also used as technical math lingo, I assume the meaning is similar. Nice try, but it's hardly an uncommon word in Fancy Portuguese.

    Keep listening closely to your professors, though, just so I can eventually take credit for accidentally improving your exam results.
    I'm sure you'll subpoena something good eventually.

    Hmmm, I can't remember what the papers were about.
    Our Labor Day is in May. September 7 is our Independence Day.

    I wonder how come we of all people haven't yet come up with an excuse to have a holiday in August for its own sake. (No, English isn't my first language, although I'm arguably better at speaking that than my own native language. Also, it's not quite that my vocabulary is broad, so much that, in any language, I just have a much easier time speaking in a select range of fancy words. Which doesn't help when I'm trying to put something in a simple way.)

    Ouch, that seems rough. My brother didn't have these kinds of trouble right away, but then, when he got his current job, HR was on his ass about getting some papers out of his old employers and they weren't cooperating. I guess public institutions just don't fuck with their employees as much as private institutions do.
    Alright, I've pinged her.

    Well, northern hemisphere. Around here, school/uni/what have you is usually back in August, if not within the last days of July. Incidentally, and probably due to northern cultural hegemony, there are no holidays in August. It's brutal. Still, being that in my country there's a holiday four days before 9/11, maybe just after the holiday is a tidy timing to quit.

    I remember my brother having similar difficulty getting out of his previous job, even though he basically decided to quit on a whim. It's much more chill if you're just an unpaid intern, though. I just showed up to the office with wine like "Here you go, I quit".
    I wonder if 9/11 is just a really good day to quit. I mean, notwithstanding the things that are usually associated with that particular date.

    I feel like getting as much EXP on a draw as you'd get on a win is kind of lame, but oh well. It'd be not a ton better to get as much EXP as you'd get on a loss, and there's no such a thing as 1.5 EXP. Yet.
    It's unpredictable. As of last Friday I am no longer "employed", but I could still be very busy. All in all, though, I'd think I'm likelier to disappear sometime in one of the next two months rather than now.

    Anyways, I was mulling over the matter and I guess it's... inextricably linked to how the bout tie is being handled as part of the battle's overall result. If you're just letting it be and accepting that the match will be a draw if each trainer wins one of the next two bouts, then you'd have to count the bout tie as the same kind of mutual KO that would end a regular match in a draw (I thiiiink that counts as a KO for both parties, but I'm not sure). Still, if this were to come up in a tournament or just between people who don't feel like getting a draw, then I'm thinking the ideal solution would be to extend the tied bout.
    Oh well, in any case I've found nothing, although it was fun running into a bunch of Pokémon I'd seen in other contexts.

    I'll have to think about this for a spell, then.
    So I noticed -- and I have no idea how this slipped past me the entire time I was planning this tournament round -- but a bout tie would still actually have our answer as to whether it counts as a double KO for EXP purposes.
    I definitely remember a bout tie actually happening at some point, though. It may have been one of the 2009 tournament battles, which would make it much easier to track down.
    There's got to be precedent. I wonder if I have enough time to find it.
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