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  • ...by which time metopping fanpercentage will have surely fainted from the five Hidden Powers Float has sent his way, no?
    Realization: Float can do 30% damage to metopping fanpercentage with Hidden Power Fire (edit: mf's reaction, run for the hills while you can)
    Excellent idea. I also thought about using a fucking whale on top of the giant walrus, but she has enough experience as it is.
    Quick question, would a signature move that acts as an addition onto other moves be allowed?

    Let's say I propose a signature move that causes your next contact move to put the enemy to sleep (ridiculous, yes, but keeping the example for simplicity's sake). But the move did not require an action to use and could be used in the command string for the normal move. It would still bear its own energy cost and usage gap. For example:

    A normal string: Dragon Claw ~ Slash ~ Dragon Tail

    With the move: Dragon Claw ~ Sig Move Boosted Slash ~ Dragon Tail

    I'm just asking if this type of move would fly, regardless of costs (such as high energy, lowering the damage of the affected move, etc.). Or if it could even be used as an attribute.
    AGENT C. W. FLUFF REPORTING FOR BOOTY. While fitting Agent Fluff with visual field modifications (with added stealth and style enhancements) I noticed that Ninetales' oldy sprite has one hell of a demontongue. BW Growlithe also has the same snout shape as oldy Arcanine. Like father like son, eh?

    And since I fucking love how amazing Arcanine's HGSS sprite is...

    Well, that speaks for itself, really.
    Ah. I was looking at ILS' battle (because I want to get rid of that DAMN GLOWING SCYTHER NOTIFICATION) and then I remembered that prizes were a thing. Oh well.
    It's Kangaskhan, because you're always that excited to see my responses.
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