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  • my favorite thing other than snurch was intentionally garbled commands, which tbh would work really well flavor-wise with THE ROOF
    (I have kind of been waiting for some kind of user's-choice HA giveaway so I could get a HA seviper and include snurch in the mashup but in retrospect that's a silly idea because a user's-choice HA giveaway is unlikely to happen soon or possibly ever)
    duuuuude I have been squirreling away my favorite bits of various arenas in the hopes of eventually combining them into a new version of that battle. I'M SO IN. for any version of it.
    Yeah, sure - that would be great! (idea: HA Luvdisc Ball Brawl (I would totally ref this))
    Holy shit I was literally looking at that thread today.

    I'll get the Ganglords to sing "YES" in chorus.

    They go to whale church, some of them are very good. Wailord especially, his momma taught him.
    Oh you wanted both eyes? No problem. Wailord was just a bit shy of his tattoo.

    Now depending on how thuggish you want the client to look...


    I like the first one, personally. A lot more derp.

    Be careful of saying no to the second one, though...


    He brought his thugs.
    I may or may not have been clearing out the challenge board so that only my battles are to be reffed :x

    Also, you can say so many battles, but don't forget I once reffed seven battles at the same time.
    All of my Pokémon have either a STAB advantage or disadvantage except one, and I wasn't really planning on using him.
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