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  • I've never paid much attention to that, but the past tense is hardly encoraging.
    P.S. I forget if anybody ever decided this for sure or if it just came up and was vaguely discussed and never set in stone, but what happens if a Pokemon with Contrary self-inflicts stat lowering e.g. with Superpower? Do its stats rise (as currently appears to be the case, given the db description) or lower (as was suggested)?
    "Monitored" is one thing. That model basically requires someone to GM each player, and that's where the problem lies.
    I'd say so, since it's technically being used even if it doesn't do anything, but you and Keldeo can veto that if you want
    In any case I really think we don't have enough free and willing hands on deck to smoothly pull off the whole thing, or even most of the thing.
    No, I mean the thing I specifically said "I've seen, but I've yet to set aside the time to read through that entire thing" to.
    :o how sneaky! how shall I ever cope?

    In all seriousness tho, 4-person free-for-all is a lot more interesting since it makes it harder to alternatingly go "ok let's you and me gang up on him" depending on who has opportunistic type matchups like in the previous version of this arena
    (I see you sneakily editing your VMs) (I mean, my original plan was to attack the other two anyway, but look at this cute picture of a Litwick!!)
    Are you trying to persuade me not to attack Bambi with all these cute Litwick pictures...
    (psst, you haven't changed VM's name from Orestes to Violent Mustelid, or noted that he's Leech Seeded! :o)

    (edit: re: your other VM, yeah, I was bored in class so I basically just looked through like the first five pages of eifurret.tumblr.com/tagged/cute+things/chrono)
    That makes more sense

    I was actually just wondering how many battles I'm now reffing and being surprised to discover it's just you vs Eta and then I opened the thread for some reason
    So just to double check, the within-a-week bonus for extra reffing pay cuts off at exactly a week, no rounding, right? So like, I posted the latest round of LotF vs Lilycolo basically more-or-less a week after the last commands, but technically it was like 5 hours before an exact week was up, so I could still get the bonus, right?

    Also the thing about my Solosis help I need to devise a sig trib that does stuff rather than FLAVOUR.
    I had Keldeo offer me some ideas. The volunteer thing came to me while lying in bed last night though.

    And yeah, if there's anything unclear, I'll change it now.
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