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  • Also I saw the flinch thing (derp stalking) and I wasn't entirely sure what to do, because each flinch roll was well in the middle of the effect chance (tipped to the lower half even). I'll gladly reroll and reref it, since it seems ridiculous.
    I guess the precedent we have is that the first flinch landed within a given range of time will be a full flinch, but any flinches landed in a row or very short time thereafter should only lower the accuracy and damage output of the incoming attack. The exact numbers on that would definitely be the tricky part, though... It should be fine to let referees handle those themselves until the point when/if we have good numbers to officialize, so, we could do that to attenuate the immediate problem.
    Hmmm. Well, nothing comes to mind immediately and I need to focus on something else for a spell, but I'll be giving it some thought. Feel free to drop a line if anything crosses your mind.
    Ooh, I actually kind of remembered that post, but I wasn't sure and figured you must not've found something to that effect if you were asking for my opinion.
    It's not impossible for this to happen per current rules, but if you want to change that, be my guest.

    Although, if this old passage from the A&A guide is anything to go by, we may or may not have been doing flinch wrong this whole time.
    "Flinch: Flinches are less dangerous in ASB than they are in the games. (...) Flinching disrupts the target's attack, causing it to shy away for a moment. This effectively disrupts concentration attacks and will also interfere with the preparation of other attacks, making them less accurate and weaker than they otherwise would be."
    Huh. So, this is must be a dream of yours, and I must be about to tell you I'm actually dead. Now I wonder who Eifinished me off.
    Well, this MF's already caught himself falling asleep onto the textbook three times now but he's still on Eifire, so it sounds like all that talk about me having no puns was just an Eifib.
    I'm not sure whether it's funnier that someone's getting KO'd in the first round or that you were so eager to get the KO but miscalculated
    Oh my god this must be the most painful way to evolve into an Aurorus.

    Also I'm gonna get ya for that.
    You know. Way far. And also Eif. But if your idea of a pun is tacking an inapropos F onto a word that starts with M, I guess it just Eifigures that you wouldn't get it.
    You're doubting my pun mastery, then? Sounds like Eifighting words to me.
    Wait, won't Littlefoot take weather damage and be KOed by Reynolds before Bambi gets to feast on his soul?
    I'm actually attempting to be productive in the interim here. In any case, though, I was alluding to whether you can keep the puns coming. Judging from the lack of them in that response, though, I'd guess your Eificiency is faltering.
    How much Eiffort would it take to come up with those for lengthy amounts of time, I wonder.
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