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  • Oh, sorry! idr how often the in-site weather changes, but you should be able to evolve him if it's raining and he's over level 50, I think.
    You can choose whether or not to evolve your Pokemon if they reach the requirements, iirc? edit: oh, you already evolved him :o
    Juuust lurking around VM conversations and noticed your comments about Telekinesis. In my defence, I don't think my battle against Superbird is the best example since there were a lot of other restrictions in play, but I definitely agree that its secondary effect of preventing contact moves is proving to be too much of a game-changer. I don't think too many people would object to changing it, especially since its primary effect of perfect accuracy is already very good.

    Although I'm not entirely sure how the other trapping moves could be handled. (Incidentally, the risk of Infestation was the main reason I ordered Ruya to use projectile attacks when I was commanding first)
    Eh, I figured I wouldn't really get away with entering both. But here's the original deal.
    Yep, fuckin telekinesis. Doesn't help that it probably ensured the Hypnosis's success.
    Yeah there's not a whole lot I would really call "rare" except Arceus and maybe Mega Evolutions. Just about everything else, even legendaries, is within decently easy grasp by six to twelve months of pretty regular play, even if you don't actively mass-click all that much.

    Manaphy can be found occasionally via random header events and level 100s are pretty easy to get using the Poke Walker if you idly mass click with one hand while watching a TV show in the background, lol
    Trinkets really don't do anything, they're a gashapon minigame that's fun but basically has nothing to do with anything else on the site. But you can trade them and get other trinkets!
    TBH most of what I do is just hardcore clicking for the purposes of shiny hunting. buuuuuuuut that's because I've been on the site for like as long as it's been around and have accomplished pretty much everything else. I totally encourage you to poke around! There's a cute little Exploration for newbies about a Corsola~

    Trinkets can be pretty fun too, but you need to click to earn the chests they show up in. And the Achievements (especially the first couple of groups) are great for giving you small goals that point you toward features you might not have poked around in yet! :D
    :o Ah, so you, too, have been sucked into GPX+!!

    (In all seriousness, I waste waaaaaaay too much time on it, because unlike most adoptables sites the "economy" [so to speak] is heavily focused on mass-clicking rather than playing mini games or advertising on other sites. Buuuut if you're still interested in playing, I'm happy to see you join! My favorite feature is the Explorations [under the "Explore" tab at the top or the left side, depending on how wide your browser window is], which let you do little quests to find items, Legendaries and sometimes Fakemon. My other favorite feature is shiny hunting which you won't be able to unlock for a little bit as it requires the Shine Recorder from the Shop.)

    (seriously if you're really interested I can type you up a whole little guide to starting out on GPX+, I'm totally obsessed with it)

    (ps now you know what I'm doing when I should be reffing lol)
    Oh yeah I'm making the Luv Brawl post now, would you be okay with being auto-signed-up? (I'll assume yes if you don't reply within, like, 30 minutes :P)
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