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  • Ah, yes! With the exception of a couple of moves (Fake Out and Feint come to mind), the vast majority of damaging priority moves have no other effect, so I'd probably lean toward giving the combo a bigger proportion of Waterfall's base damage but not the Sheer Force boost (or in other words, if this were being used by a different Pokemon, no secondary effect).
    wait it's imi you saw nothing

    edit: uhh matte kudasai, imi desu yo. anata wa nani mo mimasen deshita?
    (I guess if you went for sugoi first sugoku would be a better choice? it's more extreme than totemo, though, I think.)
    Also, to answer your question to Jack, yeah iirc you just have to look around for a while. Going into the berry feeder and clicking for a while until it turns up is probably better than just refreshing, though, since I think each click counts as a refresh and berry feeding gets you points/rank.
    Er, the flavor descriptions seem close enough that I'd say it's feasible! It would have the priority of Aqua Jet and probably I guess the average of their base powers? (I would probably ask this in the Question Box if you actually command this, lol... I haven't really reffed combos before) And I'd also probably ask in the Question Box whether to sum up the two attacks' energy totals or calculate the energy from scratch as if the combo was its own attack.
    We'll still have to fix it sometime but, just suddenly, I feel like Telekinesis being broken has led to at least one good thing.
    I want to tag it "Are you happy now, Eifie" but it keeps doing "Are you happy now" " Eifie" >:(

    edit: Actually the cutest is, like, fifty orders of magnitude more cute than the one I reblogged so I'm probably going to delete it (edit 2: also is chailatterrible someone from the forums, or...? since I see you reblogging stuff from them a lot (maybe I should just look at their blog (edit 3: oh is it Dragon?)))
    And of course, right after discussing this, I had to go for the scumbag infestation, lol. I just really wanted to make sure that Fake out landed. :P

    I think that idea has some potential! One other idea I had was that they could cause the trapped Pokémon to always move last within its priority bracket, but I'm not sure how balanced that would be in action. I guess it's something that could be brought up in ASB meta for some added feedback?
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