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  • Pure Ghost is a fairly bad type for Inverse, though, even considering the limit on Normal moves, and there's no one in Eta Carinae's squad who I really need a Ghost type to counter. I'm only using Ava since otherwise my team has a big weakness to Ground types, but I might sub in Pedri (or Eris, yes) if I reconsider.

    (The thing I'm most :( about is the fact I can't use Airplane Baguette, who I was planning to try to use in every tournament round that I make it to)
    It's an event giveaway! Anyone with an empty space in their party around 4pm server time on the first week of each month gets a chance to get a special egg, usually a Legendary or fakemon.

    Congrats — Zygarde isn't available through Explorations yet, so the event giveaway is the only way to get one unless you save up a shit ton of Prize Points (earned from monthly site-wide shiny hunts or scavenger hunts) and buy a voucher
    tbh I'm really not sure whether having a sole weakness to psychic + Superpower (which will be super effective if you use a psychic-type for STAB) will be worth Inkay's otherwise mostly shitty movepool so I haven't decided yet whether I want to use it
    "Mamoswine is hideous" you take that back i dont even own one and i am personally offended oh my god
    Let's hope the memory isn't simply a ship that sails by at night.

    I was actually just checking for new posts, but if you'd like to think otherwise, whatever floats your boat.
    It's plain to see.

    Also, now I remember wanting to do the first Rotation Battle in the new league at some point, but it's ostensible that that ship has already sailed so far, it doesn't even visit horror upon Negrek anymore.
    Deep down, we're all in it for the Draco Meteors. We've all been, all along. Everything else is an idle distraction, and at times, we lash out against it.
    It's under the sunglasses. She lost an eye in a shootout with Poffin-smuggling Druddigons, the only way to stop the bleeding was to put the Sticky Barb her mother gave her (as a going away present, before she left Chargestone) right into her eye. It was the only thing that could stick there.

    And it was the only thing that stuck.
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