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  • Well I got one of those right, at least. Could we throw that in the Rain Dance description as well? It just says vague stuff :c
    tbh sometimes I spend more time looking for already-levelled pokemon in the Safari Zone than it would take to grab their unevolved forms and level them up
    (unrelated: at first I thought ;;) was, like, a wink face with four eyes or something)

    Hmm, maybe:
    Normal <-> Ghost
    Fairy <-> Dragon
    Ground <-> Flying
    Fighting <-> Psychic
    Fire <-> Ice
    Grass <-> Steel
    Water <-> Poison
    Electric <-> Dark
    Rock <-> Bug
    ...idk I guess if you have Chrome you could use stayfocusd to limit your time on the site per day?
    Idea: Inverse^5 Battle, where Inverse Battle rules apply, Trick Room is in effect, every Pokemon gains Contrary and access to Topsy-Turvy, the rounds alternate between Gravity in effect and Telekinesis on both Pokemon, and every Pokemon's types are swapped to an "inverse" type, like Fire <-> Ice or something? edit: ALSO and all of your moves targeted towards your opponent instead affect yourself and everything targeted towards yourself affects the opponent, and you have to use at least two damaging moves out of the round... that's probably too complicated, though.
    I will have to look for precedents on that matter.

    It was shiny when I last went to mess with its name, so I'm pretty sure you've shinied it yourself. Although, you don't seem to have noticed yet that when I made your perpetual Spritzee purple, I also un-made your perpetual Swirlix brown.

    (PS.: I'm not up to date on the discussion mentioned here)
    (also ps it's against gpx+ rules to spoil explorations, but since we're on tcod not gpx+ right now, I will tell you that you can usually just google "gpx+ explorations" and the name of the exploration and you can find a task list in the first few results pretty easily)
    Hmm, not much has been revealed? Six is a devout follower of TITAN, who's like this evil (?) tyrant person I guess. Here is their introduction (skipping a few pages but w/e.) When Ava's called to the stage and basically says "No, thank you" here is Six's reaction. ...Actually the wiki gives a much better summary so I guess you can just read that. They're canonically agender so a genderless Pokemon would be ideal, but I don't think any of those really fit? idk.

    (ooh, why don't you do it? C.W. Fluff will be delighted to have a fluffy friend in her active party! edit: whoops, squad, not party, that's the second time I've made that mistake in, like, that many days...)
    (that's not a compliment is it)

    Shitty, it probably was, but outright impermissibile, not unless it was really excessive.

    I'll get around to it in a jiffy.
    1. yes and now I have to go rearrange my tournament squad to account for this >:(

    2. yes
    Immunities being single weaknesses drastically changes my view towards pure Ghost types in Inverse Battles, so I hereby offer my sincerest apologies to Cool Beauty Violet Temptation!
    (yep. it's tacky beyond the natural lameness of a meme reference as it ages four years.)

    Sleep no longer lasting ridiculously long is a thing we've officially decided against recently; it was valid, if powerfully annoying, at the time.

    Since this is potentially a matter of impact, I feel like it's worth taking to ASB Meta. In the current individual case, though, we may as well pass the pineapple to the referee.
    ugh only like seven pagedowns from there past me is doing a ridiculously tacky joke

    I remember that conversation, but I also remember reffing regular priority one-action Fly uses in a tournament battle later, so it definitely doesn't seem to have stuck.
    I don't recall seeing anyone do this, and I haven't ever done it myself. I'm not against it in principle, but between Meursault and myself it definitely doesn't seem to be common enough to be generally expected by battlers, and, well, it can definitely be a nasty thing to be surprised by. If it's going to be an official thing, it'll definitely have to be visibly so.
    the thing has been done (edit: I'm glad I didn't break the Battles page, at least)
    tbh people steal summons all the time, it's not a super big deal. but the Repel trick wouldn't have worked since it only shows you eggs you haven't obtained yet!
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