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  • I did a small amount of planning but now I need to obsess over my sendouts, sorry
    I'll most likely be able to in a while.

    Good. Seems we'll be able to get the outlier match started before too long.

    Incidentally, if you know how to fix borked shiny sprites in the forum, now would be... your time to shine.
    Tough. I have a bout of insomnia and I've already opened one of the battles in the db.
    0. yes

    1. I saw, yeah

    2. haha no, I'm trying to avoid thinking about classwork right now but I guess I'll have to do it eventually
    hunting several Unova, Hoenn and Kalos Pokemon is really weird to me since I've spent the last two years or so aggressively shiny hunting to complete my shiny dex data for Sinnoh and Johto
    nah, unfortunately, anything that you've ever owned (plus eggs you bred but gave to the shelter instead of grabbing for yourself) will never show up for you ever again in the shelter. it really sucks when you accidentally release a shiny or something. :/
    Sableye is good regardless of type inversion.

    Scizor is just for coverage, and Eelektross... yeah idk what I'd even replace that with. Maybe my Goodra.
    It was you. I've never paid enough attention to that thing's name to make such a subtle change to it.
    If Paras existed in real life I could totally see myself going on random Paras shopping sprees. I hope Topping Percentage does well in the tournament! I was thinking of using my own, but then I got kinda worried about the 4x grass/ground weakness. I love Paras, but it's so hard to use competitively. :(
    Houndoom is my number one favourite, but Paras and Parasect are very close seconds! I think I bought them all because there was some silly competition going on in the old league where richer players would buy multiples of their favourites just to increase their numbers. I know someone bought tons of Bidoof at one point, but I can't remember who.

    Also, Paras is ridiculously cute in the animé. ;-; I remember watching that "Problem with Paras" episode as a kid and feeling super sorry for it
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