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  • omg why do I keep doing that? (it's because when I click on my alerts, it links me to my wall instead of the conversation, that's why)

    every time I look at magcargo I wonder why they didn't give it a third evo when they were handing them out like hotcakes in Generation IV. its design just begs for a third evo. it reminds me of piloswine before mamoswine was a thing.
    I have it on good authority that she has been training behind the scenes for this battle. And that Colbur Berry? Shh... Don't tell anyone... But it's actually a cleverly disguised Chilan Berry.
    I stand contrary to your attempt to stall the inevitable scarcity of this desolate land. Your weak armor does not intimdate me. It's simple: by the sheer force of my scrappy gluttony, I will exhaust the entire ability list with anticipation. No sweet veil will snow cloak how moody and rattled you will be the moment you are no longer oblivious.
    What if I were simply swarming you with an overgrown torrent of recycled garbage?
    shiny exploration Pokemon make me so sad because everybody wants a shiny but nobody wants them

    (p.s. again, I posted this on my own wall. at least this time I noticed within a couple of seconds!)
    Wow, that misreading has certainly overgrown into a huge reaction.
    "I must hoard this useless creature now" should honestly have been the franchise slogan instead of "gotta catch 'em all"
    it's been so long since I've looked at the achievements list that I don't remember if there's something in there that would be relevant, but if not, no, there's no reason whatsoever

    alternate sprites affect literally nothing except that I think you can get achievements for getting some/certain ones (maybe — if I remember correctly)
    The torrent was unimaginably swift. The second they saw borked sprites, I had to clear my entire inbox just to avoid overflow.
    So it must be, in this whole interim every single tournament entrant has PM'd me to complain about the state of affairs. At once.
    Anyone who cares that much about it can just nudge their referee as necessary. Same with any other aesthetic change.
    Distinguishing shininess isn't that important, but do as you will, I guess.
    (oh yeah, nothingbuttbunnies just posted some more photos of the barfie bunnies)
    (well I've narrowed it down to two options which are basically one option but I'm probably going to sleep on it)
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