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  • ... Although, the dirt eating one gives me an interesting idea.
    It's all very interesting, but I mean, I don't really feel like making a shtick out of giant penises or hardcore drinking.
    Most of the facts I know about elephants are... not exactly pretty. I know they have excellent memories and exist in well-organized communities and mourn their dead. I also know that they sometimes eat dirt as medication, that they can stand on two legs by planting their dicks and using it as a third support point, and that there have been incidents of elephants raiding human storages of alcohol, getting stone cold drunk, and wreaking massive disaster thereafter.
    oooh was not aware of that cool fact

    that has been getting me a series of roundabout ideas, I will eventually arrive at a conclusion

    (p.p.s if you're online again before I hatch it, go on GPX+ and look at how brilliantly shimmering my yveltal egg is now that it's almost ready to hatch! :O)
    also I'm super tempted to buy a Phanpy and try to convince somebody to ref a Baby (elephant curled up in a)Ball Ball Brawl
    (omg I was just glancing through some old VMs and realized I replied to you on my own wall again last week when you discovered the Berry Feeder. omg i am so dumb)
    The name is precisely the final matter of indecision here. I'm between naming after a given type of vehicle, military or otherwise; attempting to go find cool elephant facts for inspiration (which I'll need to gather at some point either way); some lame joke about monster truck wheels; or just "Eleghant".
    (also whee, I just noticed I have the first roselia in the league, and if I end up using her in the tournament she'll become the first roserade in the league. all shall bow before bouquets)
    a) Yes, I saw, both just now and back then;

    b) I haven't the foggiest;

    c) You won't need any of those moves if you don't even end up using her in battle. Alternatively, you have no bouncing elephants right now all the same.
    You wouldn't have to. You'd just have to end up using everything else instead.
    Not evolving a Pokémon in ASB is very easy, you know.

    But in any case, the endgoal here is actually a Donphan, so...
    Also, I see you took a liking to my most recent purchase, which was related to a matter of indecision that I'd mentioned to you earlier.

    Now there's one last remaining indecision before that one and the Piplup can see daylight.
    Superbird's post was on the next page. I did not realize there was a next page.
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