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  • And it's all because her trainer talked a ton of smack.

    (imagine a dystopian AU where Attract and Protect have the distribution of- oh, wait)
    Well, I never said Jo-Ni was an easy foe to beat, you know? It's just that it'll seem that way once my tag team is through with her.
    The EXP damage bonus is always nice. And I'm sure Zhorken will be willing to count our overwhelming victory as 4 KOs in one.
    In any case it'd have to wait until the point when I can be consistently active on here. I'm not really planning on getting into battles until then, much as falling behind on the EXP gain race could prove unpleasant.
    My team would be made of Luvdisc, and it'd be stronger than yours.
    Instead of getting a third, I could get the two of them kickass signature attributes that only activate if they're in battle together. You kind of just gave me that idea.
    Talk more shit and the RNG (either one) may not be merciful whenever you next need it to be. It could be in a tournament match, even...
    Eh, I already have my Shuppet's old attribute for RNG manipulation. Although, maybe something that messes with the opponent's access to the RNG's graces... Hmmmm.
    Nonsense. I would never sacrifice such a valued gift specimen. I'd just take to thinking of sigstuff with tragic flavor to give it. That would be moral.

    Although, first, I have a bunch of old sigstuff to ready and fire. And not necessarily the time to arrange for all of it soon.
    And you must read every post by every member who has expressed a preferrence for Espeon.

    To help with that, I'm going to start a thread titled "WHO WORE IT BETTER: ESPEON OR MAGMORTAR". Prepare for war.
    Well, you get back to me once you've read every post in this forum about Espeon. Including every post in this forum by the forum user known as Espeon.

    (actually, it's probably half the problem that so many of the inductees are exactly the kind of band that Spinal Tap resembles.)
    I'm pretty sure I wasn't around when it was being posted in. That, and it was a while before I started regularly checking any part of the forums that wasn't ASB.

    Awesome as it may have been for Metallica -- and for anyone who saw them play in the occasion -- the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame has some skeletons in its closet, to say the least. Or, to be slightly more specific, it has some skeletons missing from the inductee list.
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