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  • I'm on break for the week. This is also why right now was a good time to pop back up (July was busy and August was equally busy while also being a regular month of uni and internship without a single holiday, so).
    I think I've glanced at that once or twice but never got around to actually reading what the deal there is. Still, I can only imagine so many things that start with "10v10" and are good ideas.

    Maybe you're speaking to my lawyer. Maybe I am my own lawyer. Maybe you're speaking not to my lawyer, but to his quirky assistant who is currently channeling my spirit. Objection.
    I've been in that exact place. It definitely wasn't pretty. And yeah, I wasn't thrilled about giving up on the tournament fun (or kicking your ass as a part thereof), but, so things went. (and yeah, I'll likely have a thing or two to reply to as soon as I'm finished reading everything)

    Who says I'm not dead? I could totally just be sending internet messages from the beyond. Or maybe my role power is being able to post after I've been nightkilled.

    I happened to see, actually! Claiming that is on my to-do list. I'll have a lot to say about it once I'm doing that, but, for now, let's just say I'm deeply touched.
    Well, things... happened. All I'm really comfortable saying at the moment is, there was a good reason for everything.

    Still, I'm sorry for suddenly dropping so much responsibility on you and the rest of the team, and also for not being able to pick all of it back up even now. I don't want anybody to be overworked, so I'll do as much as I can, but there are still many other things that I'll have to put first.
    I supposed I've missed whatever that was, although I've been lurking very rarely and briefly.

    I'll have a stab there as soon as I'm able.
    I saw. I wasn't surprised at all by the renicknaming, but the shininess was interesting.

    You might want to check your active squad, though.
    (Sigstuff approval specifically seems to be exactly the kind of thing I can just do some of whenever I happen to be around, so yes, I could give that a try. Although, I wasn't exactly an approver back in the day either -- and in fact I think most if not all of the former approval staff is for varied reasons not present in ASB -- so I might not have too much better of an idea of what I'd be doing there as well.)
    I see the tournament round's running as smoothly as it'd be if I were still overseeing it, and you guys even got sigstuff rolling. Good job all around!

    I'll still probably only get to be around intermittently and might even have to vanish again for a while or another, so I can't really commit to anything that requires continuous effort, but feel free to let me know if there's any of the workload that I can help to take care of in occasional and erratic appearances.
    Also I thought it would be weird to post only to respond to Superbird's thing, but I think Meta's signature move is ready for a half-approval after his clarification.
    Spirit Drain and Soul Drain all sound really bad-anime-y, but I guess they might work.

    Oh yeah, is adding forms to a Pokemon via signature attribute acceptable? I'm considering giving Airplane Baguette a form for sandstorm, but I don't know if that's okay or not.
    Ohhhh I posted before I saw that second message but that's cool! I have to go run errands at the moment actually (I was putting them off to see your response lol) but if nobody's gone through and approved it later today, I'll definitely go edit that in as a thing. It's much cooler than just lowering the damage.
    (Also obviously this would have a once-per-battle usage gap and probably lower accuracy than Super Fang as well)
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