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  • Sigstuff question: I was considering, for a Kangaskhan, a variant on Super Fang that runs off how much damage the target has dealt instead of how much health the target has left. Do you think dealing 1/4 of the damage the target has dealt is reasonable, or should it be tweaked up or down a bit?

    (I went back into all the completed battles I've reffed, and out of the 18 Pokemon involved most of them dealt much less than 100% damage over the course of the battle and all but one dealt less than 120%, 1/4 of which is 30%, which I think is reasonable since it's well within a standard damage cap. The only exception was Melia the Eevee in Faorzia vs VM, who had a bunch of shenanigans with Super Fang and Trump Card that ended up with her dealing 173% damage, but I think that's very much an outlier and doesn't so much need to be considered in terms of balancing a Super Fang-esque move.)

    I was gonna just post it in the Signature Booking Office, but thought I'd better get your unformal advice before I go in and formally submit it :)
    quick questions: would sweeping Flamethrower incur the normal spread damage drop or, like, a seven-target spread damage drop? could I sweep Dark Pulse?
    A HYPE SQUARE for your consideration:

    ERST (which is totally a word, I looked it up and everything. Apparently there is an EGG CUBE out there, though I couldn't find it with a cursory Google search.)

    (Your three Tommys versus my Tommy and the Disciples of Hax, yes/yes?)
    such is the way of we who abused hax too early. i am cursed to wander these plains for eternity, never to get a favourable flinch roll again
    Granted, Zipper will have a pretty big advantage with STAB Play Rough, so if I lose by just a few points because of it, I'm going to be in need of all the table-flipping emoticons.
    The weird fin-things Mr. Mime has on its head? Even Bulbapedia doesn't know what they are...
    ...I now realize I'll be writing three rounds with a Mr. Mime for the tournament battle, which will require much
    ʕノ•ᴥ•ʔノ ︵ ┻━┻


    edit: there is supposed to be a space after that edit:edit:, I'm disappointed it isn't conveyed very well
    I'm sorry! I hope this bunny carousel might prove suitable apology material?
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