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  • Your comment inspired me to watch the original again, should I get a Slowpoke and name it Yakan?

    edit: All of this makes me so happy... donai yanen yadon, indeed!

    edit 2: Someone actually took the time to write down the lyrics :o
    I have no clue, SDR2? Did they even make an anime of that? (I'm so out of the Dangan Ronpa loop...)

    edit: Did a cursory Google search. Durarara or Fairy Tail? Some Pokemon thing?

    edit 2: ah, I was right (oh my god)
    Is the soda pop on the battlefield a permanent fixture now? (What I mean to say is, will it be a hindrance to little Calcifer?)
    I just remembered that I was trying to remember to tell you that Taylor's female, which I'd forgotten to tell you about by the time I wrote my commands but have now remembered and am now telling you about :yawn:b

    edit: also, excerpt from uv vs. MD that I thought you might enjoy (which may or may not be edited out in the near future):

    She was supposed to use… Scyther? She knows Scyther isn't a move, but it's all she can come up with right now, strangely. Yeah, it was Scyther or Scyther, or Scyther if there was already a Scyther up, which meant she couldn't Scyther with Scyther anyway. But Wild Card's Scyther didn't mean she couldn't Scyther, though! Strawberry Macaroons grins at this impeccable feat of contrived-logic-ing and starts to build up energy.

    (edit: That was supposed to be a thumbs-up, not... whatever else it might look like. idk, a coffee mug with a straw in it?)
    (Also, I have a thing ~90% done for Superbird vs. Byrus and I know you already have a lot on your plate, so if you're okay with this, I'll clean up and post it.)
    travesty 1 (I don't have anything against shiny Haxorus, but its party sprite looks really weird)
    slightly less of a travesty but still a travesty. Let's call it travesty 1.5

    edit: yes good!
    Yes, I did think the official 5% was too small, especially since it allowed a good deal of setting up by the opponent (which ended up being a bad idea due to Sleep Talk Dark Pulse, eh), but a 30% chance of waking up after three full actions of sleep seemed very little. I usually tweak the scales after each battle and see what works best.

    I didn't bother to do the stats myself so I guess it does make more sense to drop it to 5%, since sleep is particularly inconvenient if the opponent just unleashes a shitton on damaging attacks. Will take this in consideration in the future.
    It was unique moves, so the first Mirror Move would tie us for Plagiarism Pawner. I'll concede that my wording was pretty bad (but staking everything on the second one is much more dramatic, right? :P)
    Thank you for the offer, but I think I'll be able to get a round out tonight. (if I don't, though, feel free to poke me and I will send you the spoileriest spoilers)

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