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  • yeah I'm still mulling over what would be the best way to go about doing that. maybe i should nerf damage alteration to +/-0.5% per stat level instead of +/-1%, since you can totally have a pokémon with +9 attack or -9 defense and that's gross
    Would Sittidel be able to conjure up some rocks from somewhere on the roof of the Celadon Casino, like the decorative gardens?
    Most of the ridiculous length is the rolls and calculations sections, which in a Google Doc can't be minimized like on the forums. But also, every set of HUDs took up more than a page, with six Pokemon on the field :P
    REMORSE, clearly.

    also wowza my reffing Google Doc for that battle was 74 pages
    Toys Rid Net Fun... Ao? (edit: "Destroy Fountain" <-> "A toy rids net o' fun." Deep!)

    but Ruya also has two arms with which to Sucker Punch... Intrigue builds!
    d'toy fountain

    (Haha... I mean, it's not like I've been procrastinating on that all day or anything... Choice quotes from the action notes: "Eldarach is sufficiently fluffy" "Trying to hold onto something while punching it is pretty hard" "Lightning travels extremely quickly")
    yes, good

    Also: "but what shall I change my usertitle to... DESTROY is a bit too short" obviously, the solution is DESTROY FOUNTAIN (but it's probably too long to not wrap, haha.)
    I saw this just now and was totally confused as to what it was referring to (you're welcome! c:)
    But still, she would need to stay focused doing that, and with all the bugs nabbing at her in the meantime, while using not their eyes but their antennas to locate her...

    but still, daaaamn I wanted to finish that battle, and wow that's the kind of arena I want to battle in again. As soon as you get a ref who know what they're doing the quality skyrockets

    aaaand well not really I just really wanted to give my pokes some fancy-ass nicknames so I just went on a nicknaming spree and gave them whatever I could come up with
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