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  • 1. it doesn't really matter but how did you get 11% damage/3% energy for Hidden Power, since Float has Choice Specs?

    2. Dunsparce <-> Sacred Pun...

    3. I still can't get over that you actually put the pun quote in your signature! Thank you c:
    For the record, I wasn't going to have let Synchronize activate Flash Fire because the latter specifies "Fire-type attacks" and Synchronize is, y'know, not an attack
    actually wait what the fuck is this, i have been gone for like two months and slowbro STILL requires 4 exp. i'm going back in my crypt.
    well i was never gone, per se, just dead and sealed away in my crypt. let me know if you'd like me to take over reffing you and dragon or if you'd rather byrus kept doing that (i'd slightly prefer the latter but if anyone involved really wants me to resume i can)
    So I'm looking on the Challenge Board and on the one hand I don't want to look like I'm just picking the same people over and over to ref for when other people have challenges on the board... but on the other hand I do really kinda wanna try reffing an Outside the Battle Arena-style battle. So once you vs Keldeo is over I maaaaaay just grab you vs LotF if nobody takes it by then.

    Also p.s. I'm sure you already know but it's your turn to command
    Well, that explains why Dunsparce can learn Coil, haha. I bet it's like a foot tall

    Caped Urns? Pus Dancer? We just don't know...
    Bulbapedia does! ...to some extent ("Dunspare shares some traits with a bumblebee, including stripes and a stinger")

    (also, can I reference your latest reffing in my latest reffing (Effie will draw inspiration from the heavenly chorus of a thousand angels to use Sleep Talk, or something like that))
    Not a problem! Whatever I can do to move things along. Don't want this to stretch into next year, after all.
    Nicknames I wanted to share with you:
    -Tossarassa Queen of Moo Foo Woo (Miltank)
    -Ossorossat King of Oob Oof Oow (Rough Skin Gible (reverse Goomy))
    -Hop Cross Bun (Huge Power Bunnelby)
    -Bunyarinpa (Buneary)
    -Sunyarinpa (Solrock)
    -Runyarinpa (Jolteon)
    -Punyarinpa (idk, Snubbull?)
    -Doneyarinpa (???)
    yknow what would be the most awesome thing? someone fainting from mug to the face
    "Praise be to the gardeners of the Battle Arena!"

    omg, this is Mario Kart Baby Park... (I will remember to PM you my commands this time!)
    a goldmine

    also: when she evolves, Sonya will be able to fly and summon a box, apparently!
    I'm a Student who goes to Student School, which is for Students (no, I have no upper body strength)
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