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  • It was about your battle with Music Dragon, I think! I asked... something about the arena when I took the battle on the Challenge Board, and then you answered in the Challenge Board?
    Hahahaha... ha... (please don't buy me a Magikarp, I already have too many Flying types)

    But since I'm using Sonya in the Totally Legitimate Battle, she'll be able to evolve even if she only gets one KO in our battle, and if Rosmarinus gets a KO, eventually she'll be able to evolve by the new experience evolution requirement things :O (I was planning to give her a Lucky Egg for the battle so she could evolve now with one KO, but then I forgot. Oh well.)
    really? it's the only one left???

    wow you really did a great job at not manipulating the results I would have rolled one on purpose three thousand years ago
    Eifie...Are you the same Espeon from mewshangout? Do you remember me? :) today's my birthday btw^^
    What are you talking about, I can totally do that ("ASB questions 9: Questions")

    Oh deer... Sluagh's "King of the Andals and the Rhoynar and the First Men"? At first I thought it was "perfect, now they can be siblings" re: Tommie's renaming, since I read something about how a bunch of people in GoT have really similar names. Thanks for the recommendation, in any case, maybe I'll give it a try! c:
    yup, first year

    I went trough cégep first, which is like a weird form of college type of thing? We only have that in Québec it's pretty weird

    why is it rare?
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