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  • ":O you were looking at the tournament battle you're reffing... I'm in so much suspense about that one"

    I just did the calcs but I'm super tired right now and will probably find a ton of mistakes in them tomorrow morning... your suspense will be resolved sometime tomorrow, hopefully?
    you should put a notice up on the Asber notice board requesting help in locating them
    only if they happen to be called Cupcake, though
    Now that I have done so: 1) oh man, sincerest apologies for all the horrible hax that round and 2) I cannot wait for next round
    The Unown uses Hidden Power each action, and the type is randomized the first time it uses it. Any subsequent uses are of the same type. The Unown should be treated as if it is an ally in a double battle, and will only take damage from AOE attacks and moves specifically aimed at it.

    The terrain effects should last for six actions or until replaced by another terrain.
    Okay, now that I'm done laughing I have a couple of probably minor nitpicks:
    -why did Psychic count twice for Setpiece Specialist (if it did)?
    -...I had another one but now I've forgotten, haha.
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