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  • Are you kidding me? a fucking whale has perfectly good eyesight!

    (Apparently gray whales have eyes as large as oranges, so Flabebe and Joltik are smaller than Wailord eyes... The more you know?)
    This isn't you, right...

    :o Time to procrastinate more on my own reffings, then! (more seriously, I'm looking forward to it! Super Smile Atmey!!)
    No, I don't actually have an account (as far as I know, you don't need one to learn.)

    Yeah, I know. I posted in the Absence Sheet that I'll probably be lurking around, but I don't have time to actually post commands. I can post them Friday afternoon at earliest. Is that okay?
    ((just a nudge that you've been made ref of my battle with Grass King, it can be closed now))

    Also I totally had it in my mind that completing a reffing within a week was double money, not just a $2/Pokemon bonus. Hence the missing something. This change is too much for me.
    I went ahead and closed the Negrek/pathos vs Mawile battle. Let me know if you think the money and experience should be handled any differently, seeing as this is a special case.
    Well in that case Tyranitar!Ron would destroy Atmey before he can even say "Zvarri"

    Fusion Premature evolution is just a cheap tactic to make weak gems Pokémon stronger.
    Luke Atmey still has access to Energy Ball and Solar Beam, so it wouldn't be as one-sided as you think.

    On an unrelated note, did you really change the names of all of MF's Pokémon?
    I guess you have a point there. The Flamethrower example isn't overly conspicuously good, though (and how are you getting 16? I get floor(9*1.3*1.25) = 14%) It's basically on par with Hex/Venoshock, actually, even after they were debuffed - 16% damage for 7% energy, accounting for STAB, and those have much more easily activated conditions. Maybe in conjunction with a minor edit to the actual abilities, make it more clear that attacks with changed base power have an accordingly adjusted cost?
    Hmm, I'm not really sure what would be in my reply, though? Obviously I'd agree that it's unbalanced, though maybe not to the extent we should change it a ton (I had some thoughts about this but then forgot them. I guess an opponent that resists the specific type the ability works for would be a pretty good counter, though somewhat situational?), throw out some numbers (1.625x boost to base power after accounting for STAB) and offer some alternative suggestions for a fix. And that seems... not a good thing to post about.

    ("Good" isn't really the right word, but I don't know what would apply in this situation - "relevant" is obviously wrong, but closer to what I'm looking for, so maybe "discussion-provoking" or "contributory"? (This is why I don't really post in meta threads? Like, I either don't have a super important point to make and feel like I won't contribute anything that wouldn't be said better by someone else, or spend time and energy on the post and then feel unmotivated to respond to replies because my brain goes, like, hey you already spent time and energy on this topic, what are you doing spending more?? You should go look at cute rabbits on tumblr or something instead.))

    (back on track, said potential fixes would be: lower the threshold, lower the boost, lower the threshold and the boost but to a lesser degree in each, lower the boost and make it affect final damage instead, increase energy costs of those moves, increase energy costs of all moves (while activated), combinations of the above. I don't really have numbers to give for these ideas, though, so.)

    I had a thought about using Huge and Pure Power as balanced benchmarks for discussion, but now I'm feeling conflicted as to whether Huge and Pure Power are relatively good or relatively bad compared to the starter abilities. (I start leaning towards relatively good, but then I think "raised energy costs for all moves, only a 1.2x boost, starter abilities are situational but really good in those situations, which will also always happen over the course of any relevant battle", but then I think "it's only 1% extra, energy is rarely relevant, and the powers work for other types too", and the cycle continues.)
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