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  • Just FYI, I've started up your Battle Royal battle again. Please get me your commands within a week!
    Hey Eifie, are you still interested in your tournament battle against MD? I'm hoping to get the tournament moving again soon.
    Thanks! Sorry I was slow, I was distracted and forgotten we agreed to trade drampa as well.
    It's apparently post-game, after you rebattle Guzma. I don't know where the guy is, so that hasn't happened yet.
    lol I see now why people complain about the Festival Plaza so much.

    Thanks for the geodude! I would have sent a dawn stone with that guy, but it turns out I haven't actually gotten to the part of the game where you get a dawn stone yet, oops.
    It says you can't communicate now, and then it updated your status to offline...
    Cool! Are you still around? I've never tired trading on SuMo before and I'm still kind of trying to figure out the Plaza.
    Nice! Yeah, it's pretty cliché, and I've played at least one other Tales of game that I'd say has a vastly superior story, but it'll always be one of my favorite games. :P

    The sequel is... okay, I guess? I don't really mind it, but it definitely wasn't as good as the original, and I'm not sure why they felt the need to shoehorn collectible monsters into it. (Tenebrae for best character, though. He's not so, um, murdery, but if you liked Henry in FEA you'd probably get a kick out of him. Not worth buying the game just for him, sadly.)

    Heh, I guess that is kind of amusing. Kratos isn't even really my favorite anymore, although I do still like him quite a bit.
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