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  • Sanne Wevers (Lieke Wevers' twin sister) got gold on beam at Rio! Here she is at qualifications (I think.)
    Flavia!!! (I think this is from Rio; she sticks almost all her landings in it, how is she so amazing)

    I love 0:45 of this (Celine van Gerner). Also the last ten seconds of Lieke Wever's floor exercise from the Olympic trials (1:30-1:40) are great, and this video of Eythora Thorsdottir (they're both on the Netherlands Olympic team, but I couldn't find videos of them from Rio.) And Pauline Schaefer is great on beam (see 1:06 here)... at first I misread your VM and thought she had the same last name as Dr. Schrader from Professor Layton, haha.
    Ah, un-hype :(

    (Ellie Black is still the best, and I've not heard of Rose Woo but I love the head-spin thing she does at 1:08 of this and the aerials in this :o)
    Alright, eifblog's been scrubbed of spoilers for every post since April 15th, which was like a month before the starters were revealed so I think that should be good. It's no problem!
    well, I got eliminated so now I can tell you what my egg was!

    uh oh!

    mine is hanging on by a thread and only just might barely make it into the next round if i cross my fingers really hard
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