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  • I don't know anybody bald though. D:
    I'll give it to my 8th grade Social studies teacher, because he has receding hair lines. :D

    Edit: Gotta go, be back on at like, 7 or earlier, depending on how early my dad goes to work.
    I know! It's in the ingredients list! I know your secret Oprah. >:D
    Dr. Phil brand wigs. XD
    Random note: I wonder why Oprah doesn't have her own shampoo/condition/soap/health crap? Or at LEAST energy bar or something!
    That's it! So cheesy, it could work. Ten bucks says that within the first season it's turned into a sitcom instead of a soap opera. And why do they call them that anyway? Like, the first television drama series was about an opera singer who whittles soap?
    And like in the fifth generation, the guy's wife was a gold digger and murdered him. :0
    Also, I can't count. There's seven. XD
    Darn right. ALPHONSE.
    I made it like six generations long, and it ended with a girl that had sex with her boyfriend at the age of 15 and then got married and had another boy. And I threw in a unrelated adoption, but only because she's horribly mistreated. Non of her ancestors or crap are in it though.
    Anything colorful will work really. And I don't think the squeaking is THAT bad. D:

    I completely agree with you on smell however.
    Oh please, I can amuse myself when I'm not tired by closing my eyes and drawing with a handful of multicolored sharpies. :D

    And it's 3:14 here. And I posted this in my profile. :D
    Slur is only one r? Huh. It sounds like two.
    I feel like I really should go to bed, but dun wanna. I'm having too much fun amusing myself. With various things like these half sized note cards on my desk. :D
    Edit: I would talk more, but either it's the annoying unread message thing or my lack of sentient thought to do so.
    Hmm..doesn't ring a bell, but I might've seen it and forgotten it. And it keeps saying I have one unread visitor message when I clearly read it. :[
    Then again, I've forgotten most of the anime shows I've seen clips from. Hanging out with girls is NOT easy. Lucky for you I had a rant about other guys being asses but I edited it out. :3

    Maybe I'm random when I'm tired because everything comes out in a slurr.
    Oh no problem. Call me Proto. Where's your avatar from? I feel like I've seen it somewhere. It bugs me. D:
    When I have little sleep I get like this. god i need sleep.
    Hiiiiiiiii thar. You seem nice and stuf and stuf. stufstufstuf So I decided to strike a random conversation with you. =D

    This message is unedited, though probably should be for overuse of the misspelling of stuff. And overal hyperactive...ness. I need sleep :3
    thank you for telling me vat I already know!
    >:| I still need work
    (my credentials: my hair is longer than yours)
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