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  • I've been around! working and waiting for uni to start (I'm not in #tcod much these days). How are you?
    Haha, Shu has exactly two animations where he takes his hand out of his pants. He doesn't have a hand in his pants when he throws things, and he slaps Riou upside the head with the hand he usually has in his pants, which could be pretty gross actually why would you do that, Shu.
    She's in III. She's a Karayan ... shaman? not sure if she's actually a shaman, or just has some shaman tricks, and through a Series of Events ends up joining up with Geddoe's mercenary group. Well, not officially joined up, but yeah. Queen infodumps at her a lot. ... Queen also introduces her to the wonders of SODA. Aila really, really likes soda. Like, a lot. For some reason it's all bright green. Does the Suikoden world have Mountain Dew?

    Aila's snarky and likes picking fights with the rest of Team Geddoe (though not with Jacques, though that's just because it's impossible to argue with Jacques. ... Jacques has a giant crush on her. She doesn't seem to notice; she's too focused on her crush on Queen.) and spends a lot of time informing everyone that Harmonia is stupid, politics are stupid, Matilda fashions are stupid (Ace buys her a magenta sweater), and everyone not from Grassland makes no sense. ... She's usually right.

    At the end of the game she joins up with Team Geddoe officially through the time-honoured manner of asking people who aren't paying attention.
    Eh, Adriane makes a better Aila (same star as Georg). But Georg is funnier and also you know who Georg is.

    Yeah I was laughing for like five minutes when Clover said what she got. [ NOT IF IT'S BITTER ]
    so parts of #tcod did the thing, too. Adriane is Georg; H-land is Meg; Clover is Ledon. Discuss.
    Nah, just Leknaat with shutter shades. Luc and Sarah have party hats. Luc should also be wearing a miniskirt.
    So you're Nina and I'm Flik, or possibly you're Euram and I'm Luserina. I am amused.

    Relevantly, an excerpt from the update I'm working on:
    'VIKTOR: "Good. Now that we've chosen our castle's name, how about that party....."
    [BGM: NONE.]
    [img] LEKNAAT JOINED THE PARTY! ... I should totally draw Leknaat in shutter shades, omg sob. Or better yet one of YOU should. I will pay you in love and a postcard.
    I tried A with blue and got 天富星 (Kun To, Nina, Jimba, Chiepoo, Euram/Eresh). Haha, you're Nina.
    http://www.konami.jp/gs/game/genso/100-years/ ... This appears to have a WHAT STAR OF DESTINY ARE YOU thing based on birthday, bloodtype, and favoured colour. I got 天暗星 (Flik, Edge, Snowe, Belcoot) and 天間星 (Luc, Ted, Zerase). ... If I pick yellow instead of blue or purple I get 地会星 (Esmeralda, Simone, Gau, Bang, Luserina).

    Guessing that you're an O and you like purple, I got Jeane for you. I just thought you should know.

    (If you c/p the star names I can check for you. I'm not sure if there's anywhere English with them. Alternatively, if you can read kana, here you go.)
    Hey, that was pretty brilliant.

    I still like NANAMI: “Hey hey hey, Odessa. So there’s something going on between you and Shu, eh?” BAD TRANSLATION MADE BETTER.
    Okay! I just wanted to check with you if you had any ideas before going with hopeandjoy's suggestion.
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