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  • Doesn't sound boring at all, really. :P I probably would've ended up doing something like that if I had any head for science and biology (especially after becoming slightly and inexplicably squeamish after years of being totally fine with blood and what have you), but even if I'm not good with the technical stuff that sort of thing does interest me. I'm glad to hear you're enjoying it!
    Mostly, yeah, just website-related stuff.

    I'm sure you'll be fine, man. What are you studying?
    (so this reply magically wound up on my own page, whoops!)

    Eh. A few jobs, fakemon stuff, work for some other forums... a lot. :(

    Too bad about your bed. Is it going well otherwise, though?
    The first two paragraphs are fine, I kind of liked the sprite overlap, will trim for free, and aaah I'm sorry :( I'm going to redo it soon, though, so don't bother remodeling it.

    I couldn't figure out how to get it into one single group; Butterfree had given me the code and I just played with it.

    Thanks a lot for taking that effort though. :D
    Espeon! I had poked uv to approve my HTML signature, but she had said that she has low knowledge of HTML. It's made out of divs, and I am assuming you know how they work given your signature is composed of them.
    I don't know what you're talking about. >>:

    Pretty much the same as always, trying to get stuff done and not totally overwhelm myself. You?
    No, I just found all of mine today that had been gone.


    (I don't know if your area up there in Europe has different currency um)
    sjfkdshfadskbfkjadsghfadskjb two suikofans discovered in a week on a POKEMON FORUM.



    ... why is Yuber stomping on half-dead Wyatt. and then he gets bored and kicks him until he rolls over. Also, I like that Albert and Yuber really don't care about Luc being badly injured and half-conscious in the ice.

    Jimba: Hmm, you... are the bearer of the True Wind Rune, aren't you? The spirits have told me so...
    Luc: So?
    Jimba: How long have you lived so far?
    Luc: 30 years... I've been cursed for 30 years.
    Jimba: Heh... You're still a child. I suppose you don't even have children of your own.
    Luc: Why would you want any when you're cursed? You don't have a future, do you understand?
    Jimba: Heh... Don't be a fool. I've lived 70 years and have just one daughter. I've tried to run away thinking like you. When I had a baby girl, I was scared for her future. I just had a chance to see her recently... Heh heh! She was astonishingly beautiful. She reminded me of Anna. I almost cried with joy. I'd been so filled with anger about my fate, but then I felt happy for a moment. If she's in this world, it doesn't matter whether I live or die. My daughter is on her way here, so she can carry on my visions. This will be the happiest moment in my life. I'm sure of it.
    Luc: What are you getting at?
    Jimba: I'm saying that life is meaningless if you can't entrust it to someone. We don't age, but we are not given eternal life. All that's just an illusion. You and I will eventually disappear. Then...
    Luc: I will end the legacy of miserable visions with my own hands...
    Jimba: Huh... you're still a kid....
    Yuber: He's still breathing. Shall I put an end to him?
    Luc: No, leave him alone. What a pity. He lives in his hope. He won't survive anyway.

    Sasarai duel quotes!
    "So you intend to win. But can you handle this ..."
    "Can you keep that up?"
    "Now it's my turn."
    "It seems we're both cautious."
    "See how this feels."
    "I had better consider my options."
    "Away with you!"
    "I've analysed this enough"

    LEKNAAT: "So, you've returned!" There is a floating blue ball in her tower.
    LEKNAAT: "That is fine. I will answer you if I see anything with these sightless eyes. The wheel of destiny is heavy for a man to turn, but it's not impossible. I'm the executer of the Balance... I have no tears to shed. Luc, you challenged God like a fool. You disregarded a million lives with a cursed soul, but I forgive you and bless you. You're human, too. I bless your soul."
    Zoom out a bit.
    LEKNAAT: "My apprentice, my son, child of a cursed rune, you're a human child. One that can sleep now. Even though Destiny can be brutal, it will allow you to rest. [There is now also a white ball.] 108 stars will bless you. Man is powerful enough to change destiny. No matter how futile our struggles seem, they all make a difference!"
    And then the balls sparkle a lot and fly out the window and around the tower twice before going off to the sky.

    "Who has time for ladders." well, given that I'm currently having you run into a ladder repeatedly, you do!
    "Hmm? You've got an interesting look on your face." he's got a giant ugly mask on HOW CAN YOU TELL
    "Oh my, what a cute boy you are! Do you want some pocket money?" [... facepalm.]
    22:37:57 <@Viki> "My, my, what a cute boy you are! Would you like some tea?" ... ... ...
    22:38:35 < Verne> tea?
    22:38:39 <@Viki> tea?
    22:38:46 < Verne> did someone say tea
    "Hey, why do you have that thing on your head?" everyone else is wondering that, too, kid.
    "Hey, you! That mask ... can I borrow it?" WHY WOULD YOU WANT TO
    http://img38.imageshack.us/img38/6889/whohastimeforladders.png my screen right now
    huh, now I'm running around as Sarah. EDGE: "Hey sister, you're looking pale. Are you eating?"
    sarah ...
    "Ladders. My, aren't humans helpless."
    i am laughing so much
    I wonder if I can get her to leave Le Buque so I can find her thoughts on looting corpses ...
    "Goodness! You're rather pale... Would you like something to eat?" sarah probably could use a sandwich. or five.
    damn, I can't go find her thoughts on looting corpses. CURSE YOU, GAME.
    "Well, hello there. Your skin is so white... like the belly of a duck!" wut.
    "What does the Bishop look like underneath that mask? I'm just curious." like two of the other bishops, because they are CLOOOOOOOOOOONES

    "Oh, Your Worship! This is a memorable occasion. Could I have your autograph later on?" no.
    "Hmm.... Whatcha doin', imitatin' the Bissshop? You fool.... <Hiccup> Thatsa capital offense...! <Hiccup>" I don't think Luc has any choice in the matter of looking like Hikusaak or Sasarai 8)
    "Ooh, ehhh...! I'm gonna be sick.... Hey pal, will you rub my back?" Got any sandpaper?
    "My, are you the real Bishop? Well now! Won't you take off your mask? I'm sure you're very handsome underneath." But my personality's terrible :)
    "Your Worship, will you have a drink with us? We may never have a chance again."
    "I... must have had one too many. For a moment, I thought the Bishop was talking to me!"
    "Welcome! This is fruit straight from Highland. Have you ever been to Highland, Your Worship?" ... :)
    "What, the Bishop? Um, well, uh, I'd like to know what kind of man Bishop Sasarai is. What do you think, Your Worship?" this is the woman who suspects that Luc is secretly hot
    "Well, if it isn't His Worship! Um, err, this Sir Albert.... What kind of a man is he?"
    "It would be a great honor to temper Your Worship's sword." Unfortunately, that implies Luc can hold a sword without injuring himself.
    "Hmm? And who might you be? You have a strange face...." How can you tell?
    "I am the Bishop of Harmonia, Sasarai! You, speak up! What's your name?!" ... kid, pick someone else to play pretend with.
    "I want to be Sasarai too...." My fanclub is BETTER!!!
    MIKE: "Well met, Your Worship! My name is Leonard. I'm just a petty arms salesman, but I hope you'll remember me." ... isn't your name Mike when you're a star. Your nametag says Mike.
    "Oh, Your Worship. Would you like a horse from Matilda? They're great runners!" ... well, matilda knights DO spend a lot of time running away.
    "Huh? Are you carrying a powerful rune? Just something I felt ..." ... ... ... :|
    HORTEZ VII: "Hmm? You have an unusual face." people keep saying that and I really don't know how they can tell
    "Hm? What is it with you, young man? Why the mask? Do you have a disease?" yeah, it's called stupidity.
    "I wouldn't want to presume to teach His Worship bujutsu skills." The dude has a strength stat of /40/.
    the location thing says Seneria for Flame Champion's Hideaway
    Ah, found a corpse for Luc to loot. "Hmm. A pity or a blessing?" ... ... ... luc. Well, actually, it didn't have any stuff so I dunno if he's willing to loot corpses, but.
    Luc's victory animation against treasure bosses and so on is to try wiping dust off his shoulders.
    "You call me evil? That's a serious accusation, missy!" o luc. that's plot text from picking Sarah as one's flame champion, but.
    "Go ahead and resist. It'll give me a chance to practice my powers of persuasion!" ... Luc, normal people not make friends with Eternal Wind or Pale Palace or by summoning chimeras.
    "I have an idea... but that female knight ... her nature as a hero..." Hah! Some Luc text DOES change based on FC.
    ... in the sequence where Sasarai's making Luc a bishop, Sasarai kisses him on the cheeks and half of their conversation happens while Sasarai's giving him a hug. Including the "Can I trust your word?" ".................." bit. Really, Sasarai's probably lucky Luc didn't gut him. DON'T HUG YOUR BROTHER, SASARAI. IT'S ... NOT A GOOD PLAN ...
    I found all of the suikogaiden art!

    http://img842.imageshack.us/img842/1984/tirkasumi.png "Why did they just spend over an hour staring at a fishing rod?"
    http://img689.imageshack.us/img689/7447/vs2329bz2.png VIKI, STOP SICCING KRAKENS ON PEOPLE
    http://img691.imageshack.us/img691/4360/vs2503z2.png idk who that is with littleViki
    http://img148.imageshack.us/img148/7397/vikiomnom.png I love Viki
    http://img94.imageshack.us/img94/2826/nashpile.png I like that they look apologetic but not enough to get off Nash
    http://img690.imageshack.us/img690/7312/vs2506z2.png Hi, Sasarai! And what's her name!
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