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  • Maybe you're something special? Or a special something? (You haven't answered my question, by the way.)
    You type like someone from England. You know, proper punctuation and grammar and so forth.
    I want to move to England someday. Or possibly Iceland. On one hand, England has steak and kidney pies. On the other hand, I'm learning Icelandic, but I never learned English, only american.
    Umm, five days ago was randomly say hello to people you don't really know very well day, in case you didn't know. It isn't a very widely celebrated holiday, coming right after the fourth of July and all.
    ... But I'm not very patriotic.
    That is assuming you're an american. If you aren't... I've lost my train of thought.
    So I'm playing Disgaea 2, right, and I decide to make a gunner! Hit random name twice, get 'Clive', go "... well then." First battle I use him in, he gets killed by a randomly-named El(i)za. Out of all the names it could've chosen for the two star mages ...
    http://img836.imageshack.us/img836/7878/gen198.jpg I'm not sure what it says about me that I spotted Riou and Tir before Chris.

    ... so I started looking at the suikoden ii manga because
    Riou (well, named Tao here) calls Flik "ao nii-san" in the opening bit. Flik is a blue big brother-figure. Riou said it so it must be true.

    ... man this manga adaptation sucks
    http://img801.imageshack.us/img801/2355/gen145.jpg Last panel: OBJECTION! True Silverbergs do not wear cravats.

    So now I want a PW au with lawyer Silverbergs. Elenor, Leon, and Albert (and Shu) would be prosecutors (Leon and Albert (and Shu) because they're assholes; Elenor because she'd probably be drunk in court and PW prosecutors get away with /everything/); Mathiu and Caesar (and Apple) would be defense attorneys; Odessa would ... ... ... I'm not sure. Start out as a prosecutor (who had trained as a defense attorney with Mathiu originally) and then die horribly in the second case?

    Meanwhile Lucretia Merces has been convicted of ... ... ... going to go with blowing up a dam, given her tendency to like plans that involve flooding, though she didn't actually do it, and now Lelei (who has fallen in love with Lucretia during her time in prison) is trying to a. become a detective and b. prove Lucretia's innocence (not necessarily in that order).
    Only Lelei's not very good at it.
    So really nothing happens there until -- well, Frey popping up would make sense, but I'm going to go with until Hugo (the suikoIII one) accidentally-on-purpose blows up the prison. (It's not as though I'm paying any attention to timeline whatsoever in this proposal anyway, so I don't have to care about Lucretia being about 30 years older than Hugo. And then she still gets to have angst about the Flame Champion! Just a different Flame Champion.)
    I saw this poem, and thought you would think the same thing as I:

    My Friend, The Carrot
    by Ron Lunde

    Pink's for noses, like my cat's,
    Green's for leaves, or maybe parrots,
    Brown's for cocoa or fruit bats,
    And Orange's just the thing for carrots.

    A clean snap, molars chew,
    Vegetable of hearty satisfaction.
    Not like okra, ooh what goo,
    Where teeth don't get no traction.

    Sometimes though, a bit of grit
    Hit's filling, and you'll hurt
    You'll grimace then, and out you'll spit,
    A bit of carrot dirt
    Cirrus is a cool lady.

    It's been ah... well a mix of okay and unpleasant, you know. I decided not to go on #tcod because it was too triggery/anxiety inducing for me. :\
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