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  • Um, I think I'd feel less guilty if you had physically forced me to do it!
    It's not so hard when it's small-scale, but yeah, it's a lot of work full-time. At this point I'd probably be doing it part-time alongside something more reliable, assuming I can find something.
    We'll see. If you get some offers from other places, maybe I'll feel less guilty...
    ...I thought I replied to this! Oh, well.

    Not quite my first job; I've done a few small things freelance before. It might or might not be more involved depending on what it is I actually decide to offer, though. I'm still thinking about it. :X
    Well, tell me if you get any replies. I'm dying to know. Where did you apply again?
    Well, Christmas was OK, nothing happened on New Year's. I saw opal briefly before he left to live with Dannichu and his new family. Regrettably we ran out of things to talk about after a while, but it was good. And now I'm in Scotland again. Have you had any replies from universities?
    You should! There's nothing like having your own laptop. Given all of the changes I make to mine, all the stuff I need to install, there would be... problems if I had to share with the family.

    Hopefully something involving web design, even if it's just a paid internship. There were actually two pretty interesting opportunities the school found last fall but I screwed up and missed out on those. I'm also considering donating some simple services to my old high school's fundraising auction; I personally wouldn't get paid for that, but it'd be a way to get my name out there and get more experience, so...
    Erg. Well, I'm glad to hear that you're enjoying it. I'm not sure I could do retail.

    I went to the store and messed around with some of the display netbooks they had, just because I was worried about the exact same thing. The one I picked has a decent-enough sized keyboard, so I'll probably adjust. And no, it wouldn't be for art--I'm still going to have this laptop, it's just that I pretty much use it as a desktop anyway and it's too clunky to take when I travel or need to take it to school. The processor on the netbook probably wouldn't be able to handle even my ancient version of Photoshop. :P
    No, but you could buy it from me with some of that money from that job!

    ...I really need to get one of those, meh. Guess it's time I started paying more attention to those career services emails that'll be heading in come next week.

    Actually, I think that a lot of the specs of the netbook I'm getting are better than this laptop. :B I guess that's to be expected given that the laptop is over three years old, but it's still weird. Half-sized computer with almost twice the hard drive space go go go
    Those sound cool. I've heard good things about Spirit Tracks, though I haven't really kept up with Zelda recently (oh god why have I still not even started Twilight Princess).

    A netbook. :O I need something smaller than my laptop.
    Nah, but that was intentional--I have better stuff coming for my birthday in a few weeks. :D Now I'm just trying to get a whole bunch of stuff out of the way before my classes start back up on Tuesday.

    How about your gifts?
    Hello! My holidays were pretty quiet aside from the entire state going into a panic over less than half an inch of snow. :P Yours?
    Wow, I would have been absolutely terrified of going around the Tube by myself. I suppose it doesn't help that I keep thinking the carriage things are going to split and it's going to crash and kill me. ):
    Ahh, I'm doing well, thank you! How about you? Judging from your birth date I guess you might have just started university? :O
    You're right, we didn't! Shame we didn't find you for ages. I had a really great time, did you? :D

    I don't really know. o.o I get at least seven to eight hours sleep most nights and yet I'm still falling asleep on the train to/from uni.
    YES BECAUSE I MENTIONED IT TO HIM and he was like '... why didn't he just ask me'

    I'm okay! tired.
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