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  • SO MD indicated to me that you'd like to know me better and then I kind of realised this is my fault because I didn't reply to your visitor message because I always forget those. So: if you feel like it, my embarrassingly long hotmail address is on my profile and I'd be happy to add you on there. :3
    ... I'd add you myself but I don't know what your email is. derp
    well you just put kingdra. :C

    i thought you didn't like it as much as i thought you did D:
    Oooh. Well, it sounds like you had a really good time~ It sounds quite relaxing. I can't imagine having any sort of two mile walk here... there's like, roads everywhere, get run over and stuff. But what exactly is work experience?

    Yeah, in other classes, they'd make us do that sometimes too. Still as nerve wracking, ahaha. Especially when a bunch of bored half-asleep kids are just watching you, waiting to get their projects over with. That's too bad though, it's actually a really neat class.

    They are. I love dogs! My favourite animal, ahaha. But destructively playful ones are quite annoying... you can't really stop them, I guess. And we don't know how to train them.
    Well, at least you got a bit of a breath of fresh air, ah. I could use one of those nowadays, but I haven't really got anywhere to go with anyone to go there with. And they had a connection too, so you didn't like, have to be totally bored.

    I'm not sure if that's a common thing... or just some weird thing our school did. But we had like, two Speech classes and they were actually pretty fun because the teacher was neat. Although they were quite nervewracking when I DID have to give speeches, so I can see why someone wouldn't apply for one.

    Oh, they are. Sometimes the energeticness gets annoying though. I have two dogs that just WON'T STOP jumping, they're all over the place, so we have to keep them in a closed off area most of the time so they won't destroy the house. I honestly prefer the older dog because she's... so old and boring that she barely does anything. Labradors are the best though; I wish I could have one. >:
    Oooh, did you have fun?

    My dog used to be like that... now that she's all old, she just sort of annoys us for pettings all the time. Old people get lonely or something, I think.

    Espeon Ominous ??? That's your full name?

    Basic communication, I think. It's when they teach you how to like, stand up in front of people and deliver presentations. I had some in high school and we mostly did PowerPoints and it was sort of nerve wracking.
    Hey. You ready for the rematch?

    My internet should't go bad today. I hope. Tell me when you're ready.
    Hey, Espeon. As you can see, I haven't been able to get on much lately because I've been busy. On top of that, my internet service has just been cut off and it's not looking like I'll be able to get it back before Monday at the earliest. I was able to get into school and use a computer for a little while, so I'll get to what I can today, but in the event that the Crystal tournament progresses much farther while I'm away could you handle things for me? It's in the final round now, so all you'd have to do is poke people if they need it--I doubt they will--and settle any disputes, which may partially be my fault as I was unclear but I'll defer to your judgment there (and when in doubt, save for an obvious loser's disconnect in which case rule in favor of the winning player, just have them replay it). It shouldn't be much at all, and I'd really appreciate the help. I'll be asking Vixie to do the same for what's left of Chrome. Don't worry about handing out prizes; I'll get to that myself as soon as I can.
    You're staying in someone else's house? Why? Do you take care of their pets or something? And ah, an antisocial cat? Does she like, try to scratch you up a whole bunch? It sounds cute though. :3

    Pretty much, it's just like... I have to do math, English, social studies, and uh, communications which is just speech classes and stuff. Just generic stuff. If I do decide though, I'll probably finish up if I'm far along. It's better to have a full degree in something than to have a degree in nothing. It looks better, at least.

    ...That sounds ominous.
    Really? Oh, I thought I was the only one! It's a wonderful game. And I believe your usertitle is a reference to the part where Zidane shows Vivi a way to erm... relieve himself of his stress?

    XD Do you have a lot of pets then? Animals are adorable. :3 It sounds cute, d'awww. But at least they've left and you got to get some sleep, ahaha.

    Oh, I'm going to a state college for two years to get a degree in General Studies. Which is just pretty much for people who haven't decided precisely what they'd like to major in yet. And that's me, really. There's so many things I'm considering... like Psychology and maybe Graphic Design and I don't know, man.
    Your favourite game in general or your favourite FF? I love it, it's the first FF I've ever played and definitely a high up favourite. (Hmm... university? It's just a form of higher education.)

    I'm tired too. Had to wake up SO early. But why are you covered in a bunch of animals?
    Oh yes. Quite good.

    I've been really well, actually. I just got accepted into a college, so I'm quite pleased about that since I've been freaking out about where I want to go and stuff. And been playing a bit of FFIX, of course, which is why your avvie is making my soul vitamins invigorated.

    And yourself?
    Hehe, hi! X3
    What're you up to in Somerset? Hope the weather's nicer there than it's been here, though I doubt it. :/
    I've been good, thanks! I meant to spend the summer working, but never really found a job, so then I meant to spend the summer chillin' but somehow I find myself doing stuff with various people almost every day, it's crazy. How's life with you?
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