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  • (I, uh, didn't reply again D:)

    Ten?? Oh, you poor thing ): I've only got four, but that's mostly because I'm sneaky and deliberately chose coursework-heavy modules at the start of the year, so I wouldn't have to do as many exams :D
    I've only just started revising (my first exam's on the 13th), so hopefully I haven't left it too late. ):

    Was the lambing good? I "helped" with calving when I was in New Zealand, but being three years old at the time, I probably wasn't as useufl as I thought I was being.
    You're also insanely lucky for not having to do essays.

    7:30 start? That's horrific! DDDDD:
    Aaaaah, I didn't reply to your last message DX

    There is a chair, in your head, though :p

    So! What's up? Lots of exams to study for? I don't envy you - the last year of A-levels were the worst set of exams I've ever taken. You know, just to make you feel optimistic about it and things.

    Did you have a good Easter and things? My Easter holiday helpfully didn't fall over Easter, so I came home early and emailed all the essays I had to frantically finish before last Friday to my housemate, who handed them in for me. So now I've only got exams to study for, but SoulSilver is proving to be an excellent distraction :D

    I, uh, hope you're getting much more sleep than when you last posted on my wall. What time do you have to get up to be at school for 8:50? You poor, poor soul ):
    ....in-characterness? OTL

    Besides, I take it a it... far. I insist on only using Zapdos avatars and usertitles and crap. :x
    I don't like using Pokemon names because then I feel like I have to be in-character all the time. OTL
    Like, death no future, or crappy job no future?

    So is mine. Maybe. I just wanna be an archaeologist. ;~;
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