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  • 5000 words is so harsh ): I've got two 5000-word essays, one slightly shorter than that, and an individual project-y thingy. I did a group presentation thingy today and I think it went okay. I don't work very well in groups, so I think the individual one will go a little better.
    What's your 5000-word essay on?

    Yeah, daily revision sounds like a good plan, actually. Good luck with your exam results - when do they come out?

    Dannichuland is fairly standard. Colourful. Cheerful. Not as much sleep going on as normal, thanks to my social research methods group scheduling meetups at 9 and 10am seemingly every morning, but thankfully it's all over now, so I only have to get up early when my timetable says so (unfortunately, this means a 9am start tomorrow, oh how the world hates meeee). And yourself?
    Heeeey! :D

    I've been pretty much okay, thanks; I'm trying to get myself motivated because I've got a ton of essays due at the end of term and if I don't get started on them soon, I won't be able to finish in time. Le sigh. Other than that, I'm pretty good, though finding somewhere to live next year is a tad stressful.

    How about you? Been up to much?
    You can't? That's silly; I have no idea why that's happening. Can you access it now?

    I'm doing fairly well. I'm really loving being back at uni (my Sociology of Disasters module is goooood), am exploding with anticipation about the London Expo, but I don't have the internet (I can only go on using the library's internet connection), which is almost physically painful. Though I might have the internet properly installed in my house by the end of the week. My plan is to lock the guy who's installing it in the house and refuse to let him leave till I can connect. It's foolproof >)

    How's life in Espeonland?
    Oh good; not feeling to back-to-college blues? Or have you been back so long they've worn off? D'aww, I feel so loved <3
    Life is excellent! And kinda dull at the moment. Everyone else is working/colleging/uniing and I'm at home by myself, apparently turning the word uni into a verb. It's getting kinda old XD
    But I'm heading up to The Land of Kent next Friday and am very much looking forward to it. I got my uni timetable (though my seminars aren't on it yet) and, aside from a 9am Monday lecture in the Spring term, everything looks to be fantastic :D
    Well, happyrainbows are what I'm here for! :D

    I can't wait, either~ I just hope the weather'll be better then than it is now; Devon in the rain royally sucks because then there's absolutely nothing to do. Bah.
    See? It WAS funny~

    And the lateness is mostly because I've been super-busy the past few weeks because I've been going all over the UK with a couple of my friends from uni. I'm back now, but I'll be heading off to an anime con in the middle of nowhere from Friday to... Tuesday? I dunno. But when I'm at home, I spend all my lonely hours on here, so you won't be Dannichuless for too long :)
    Yeah I'm pretty good! I'm nearly at the end of my school holidays though. And I'm frantically trying to get my art project done. x)
    How are things with you? =)
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