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  • I'm mostly good; earlier I arrived home from a holiday in Devon and I'm a little sunburnt in some places, but I'm generally okay. Yourself?
    Indeed I did know that, although after speaking to several Welsh people I've gathered that it is in some unfair way vaguely owned by England, hence the "sort-of-" prefix. Can't be bothered to find the exact information right now, but yes I was aware it's a country in its own right.
    Maybe. Not now, as I've been distracted by other things and haven't bothered with competitive play in a while so I'm a smidge rusty, but maybe.
    No, you should study lots for biology and chemistry. Especially chemistry. And just because maths went badly doesn't mean the rest will. I believe in you~!
    (to be as determined as I am lazy is a special kind of determination)

    Well, if you don't get to go to Devon with your family in the summer, you could come and stay with me for a few days instead; I have no real plans, my parents wouldn't mind and it'd be great fun :)

    Ooh, where'll you be doing your work experience (I'm guessing a vet's, but I'm asking to be sure)? WE is fun.
    It's not sunny. :( It's just boring and cloudy like it usually is -

    Aren't we both on IRC?
    I know; it's really quite silly that a uni-level paper has a multiple choice part and while it doesn't make me feel better about taking one of the most-mocked subjects that exist... it should make the exam fairly passable :)

    I'm sorry about your maths ): Did other people find it as difficult? Nothing's worse than that sick feeling in an exam where everything's really hard, andthe fact that the mocks went so well makes it even worse. Never say never, though; you could've done really well~
    Retakes are fabulous things. I remember one of the biology papers (the transport one, with the circulatory system and plant systems and general systems) that I managed to fail twice before scraping a C.

    I'd love to meet up again sometime~ I'm still down in Devon, though, and am pretty much only going back up to Kent for exams (I'm going back on the 29th and my exams start on the 3rd). I'm free over most of the summer, though; you said your family was going to Ilfracombe again? We could meet up somewhere here (Exeter?) and I might go up to Canterbury sometime to take some stuff up to the student house... but as you can probably tell, I'm not so great at the forward planning.
    I hear it's amazing when the famous purple stuffed worm in flap-jaw space with the tuning fork does a raw blink on Hara-Kiri Rock. I need scissors! 61!
    Yeah, my sister took the Critical Thinking exam and thought it was horrendous, especially because you had to form an argument and then argue against it. Or something. I forget.
    The whole "teachers get too much holiday and get paid too much" is complete rubbish. I think teachers, especially ones that teach 11-16 at state schools, are absolutely amazing for doing what they do. I know I sure as hell couldn't do it; I'd end up either killing someone or dissolving into sobbing wreck (but probably the former).
    So, have you had any more exams between then and now? Got anything besides revision planned for half-term?

    And I'm, uh... still not studying too much. Ehe. Although I did discover that a third of my social anth paper is multiple choice, which I still can't believe.
    Eventually, yes, I would like that. I'm a little busy with other things at the moment, but this summer I was hoping to really try and get it back on its feet.

    In the meantime, if you'd like to try running a few more tournaments then you're welcome to. I'd keep them short and simple, though, given how hard it seems to be to finish them these days.
    Nuuuu I'm not ignoring anyone; I'm just very busy with a side of lazy D:

    How'd your today-exam go? Ten exams sounds so horrible; are you studying much for them?

    I'm officially doing sociology, though it's only one of my modules this year; I take 4 modules (technically three and two-halves) - Sociology, Social Anthropology (which I love because my lecturer is fantastic), Modern Culture (which I hate and am really crap at, probably because I always sleep through the 10am lecture) and Social Policy 1 and Social Policy 2. SP1 is about youth and the the state (which I don't find too interesting, and I didn't like my seminar leader much), while SP2 is about the family and the state (and I really like it - I got 74 on my essay about gender equality in the welfare state :D).

    The first year of uni rarely counts towards a student's final degree (my best friend's doing American Studies at KCL and her first year's worth 10%, but everyone else I've spoken to said they only need to pass the first year), which is great in that it gives people a chance to get used to writing essays and doing exams and whatever, but really bad in that it costs an absolute ton of money (this term's rent's £600+ and I'll only be there for about two weeks), and the first year's the one people actually put most effort into XD
    This reply is so, so late; I'm sorry ><
    I actually haven't been at uni for a while now; my Easter break runs from Good Friday through to the 10th, but this term's purely an exam term, and my exams don't start till June, so I've basically been off for ages :3 Lots of studying... well, not as much as I should, but it's so, so hard to motivate myself when my first year doesn't count towards my final grade and I only need 40% to pass x.x
    How's everything with you? Had your exams yet?
    Not in particular, I just noticed that I kept thinking 'I really need to get to know Espeon better', so I did.
    I thought it sounded kind of strange. :s

    Well Psychology is just... arrgh. It's a new course and most of it is theory and sociology anyway, very little of it is science and it's pretty much looking up on everyone else's theories and applying it to people. It's a pain and I don't like doing it. :<
    Many of these theories aren't that valid, the text skims over everything and most psychology stuff isn't posted online or is pay-to-read. So it's a pain.
    Critical thinking?
    Haha, maths/chem/physics is what my boyfriend is doing. I'm doing art, english, psychology and basic mathematics.
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